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Mind map can help us to learn english grammar.

Hot 1668 views. 2021-12-29 17:01

  Hello.Everybody. This time, I have to share a good method for learning English grammar with you,which is named -Mind map.
  That is not new method.but It is suitable for many different fields. Fox example, learning . working and other.
  You can make the mind map by hand or computer. Actually , I strongly recommend using computer to make it. Because , you can easy to add or deduct something what you want to change.
  I am going to make a mind map to lean English for myself. I will tell you the result of it.
  Do you have any suggests about learning English ? I am expecting your comment below.

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Reply Dempsey 2021-12-29 19:44
Looking forward to your result~

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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