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Good news which have to share with you!

Hot 1502 views. 2022-1-17 08:53

   Good morning everyone. I am so happy now. There is a message which I have to share with you! That is scores of my son's final examination at third grade primary school.
   I got the scores from my son's class teacher the day before yesterday.My son had three subjects at first semester. Chinese/Mathematics/English.
   The Chinese score was 95.5 out of 100
   The Mathematics score was 100
   The English score was 98.5 out of 100
   The teacher said that the result of examination was very good. The tears was full of my eyes, when I received that message. As father . I am proud of my son. Thanks for his struggle. This honor is belong to him.

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Reply SmilingAngel 2022-1-17 11:20
Congratulations! I feel so happy for you and your son.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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