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How to happily quit the pornography

473 views. 2022-2-18 11:39

  Good morning everybody. How are you? I hope your everything is OK.Today, I am going to introduce a good method to quit masturbation and the problems of pornography.
  I believe that there are many youths and adults who are effect by pornography. They want to quit it once time and once time. But, the final result is failure for many people. Meantime , I am the one of them. I remember that my first masturbation was my 13 years old. How about you?

  All of first, we have to remember a important principle _ masturbation is useless at all for us.

  Second, When you quit the masturbation, you do not give up any nice and important things.

   Third, you have to keep far away from any porn material, you should delete all of them from your environment.
    The last one: Never suspect your non-masturbation motivation.

My QQ is 527197190. If you want to get more detail information about it . please contact with me through QQ.

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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