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Shares My idol “ZENG GUO FAN”
2021-9-3 15:57
My idol is name ZENG GUO FAN , Who is famous people in Qing dynastic ! I never forget a famous sentence "If somebody want to be successful , who must avoid two characters , one is LAZY , the other one is PRIDE"
611 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares The duble reduction for students!
2021-9-2 09:05
This is a good star for my children and parents about reducing burden of students. In the past, My 8 years old son who was the second grade student at primary school, he had to participate the off-camp tutor curriculum on Saturday and Sun day . Actually ,I don't want to my children to par ...
252 views|0 replies
Shares 9.1 Back to school
2021-9-1 11:14
Today is the first day of backing to school for my children. They are happiness ! The period of learning at the school of their life is the most happiness days . I think. The society is cruel , They have to face the completion in the further. There is not any friendship in the career. The ...
523 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares I must get rid of the addiction
2021-8-31 10:49
Nicotine, caffeine , all of those materials can stimulate our brain to feel more comfortable . But those behavior can let us to be addiction. The volume of using will be more and more day by day . I am not a good man , I have many bad behaviors of addiction . cigarette, coffee . For ...
291 views|0 replies
Shares This first day work out in my losting weigh project
2021-8-30 10:06
I slowly ran 5 Kilometers around my community in the morning. The feeling was very good. The weather in the morning was suitable temperature with Breeze. There are some birds in our community were singing while I were running with pace 9 minutes per 1 kilometer. I thought that feeling must be freed ...
306 views|0 replies
Shares left-hand writing
2021-8-28 11:29
I found a amazing thing! I am going to train my left-hand to writing English alphabets , vocabulary , sentence and article etc. Our right brain control our left hand。 It said that the right brain is good for arts ,color and language.
271 views|0 replies
Shares What is the terrible animal in this world?
2021-8-27 15:25
How do you feel about this question? Interesting? Serious? Ridiculous? You can write out to me below comments column! In my opinion, This question is serious. The terrible animals is human! Why? Let me tell you my explaining. 1. The natural animals will eat other animals&n ...
313 views|0 replies
Shares Follow your heart
2021-8-26 08:34
Dream , This is a precious thing in our mind. It can give us a hope to live in the cruel world. What is dream? Dream is a person who what you want to be through struggling Live is very short, you have to follow your trust mind in your heart. If your contents of job relate with your hobby. You ...
236 views|0 replies
Shares what I want to be?
2021-8-25 10:23
None , I just want to be a man who can do what he want to do!
327 views|0 replies
Shares Poverty is a guilty in the modren world
2021-8-24 14:24
I am a normal one of a 80's generation people. I deeply felt that the pressure and responsibility in my shoulder are very strong! There are eight persons in our family to been supported. On the surface, I have a flat and a new car. The live is seen to perfect at my 32 age stage .But , All of ...
537 views|2 replies Hot 1

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