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Steamed bread

405 views. 2022-4-9 19:06 |Individual Classification:food

I steamed such big bread! Successful! 

One egg, small amount of honey, small amount of warm milk, mix with flour

Add ferment

Add flour for several times, and make a soft dough

Add small amount of oil, sugar and salt

Ferment for one and a half hours at warm places

Rub the dough like washing clothes. Rub the sinew and sheets within the dough

Add a small cube of cream in the dough and continue rubbing

Rub the dough for fifteen minutes, organizing the inner structures of the dough

Ferment the dough at warm location, until it expands a couple of its original size

Steam the dough for fifteen minutes with cold water.


While making the dough, do not keep it so hard. Because the dough needs to be rubbed for many times latter on.

Put hot water in a steamer and ferment the dough. The fermenting steamer shall not be too hot. Keep the temperature at 30 to 40 degrees. 

While rubbing the dough, observe the inner structure of the dough.

Honey and milk shall not be applied in large amount, or it might influence fermenting.

Press the dough with a round stick. Flatten the dough into a pancake. You may place fillings in the pancake, then wrap it. Then the bread will have more layers.

Ferment the dough for a second time for at least half an hour. This step cannot be omitted.

Steam with cold water. It seemed as if the bread swelled for the third time.

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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