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Will studying online at home replace schooling? Practice IELTS writing

975 views. 2020-6-8 14:33 |Individual Classification:Practice IELTS writing

Topic: Schooling is no longer necessary since more and more information is accessible on the Internet and students can study just as well at home. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

School education is and will remain essential in the whole world for several reasons. School is more than a platform to impart knowledge but also a place to teach individuals about values, attitudes and ways of thinking. For instance, at school, students can be taught the good qualities that should be cherished, beneficial habits that need sticking with and proper behaviour that is encouraged in society. What is more, when students are well exposed to all kinds of information provided by the huge database of the Internet, it is the judgment that students learn from schools that helps them distinguish between goodness and evilness

Moreover, schooling also plays an important role in molding childrens  all-rounded character and helping them grow up healthily and happily. Faced with peers from different classes of family, children learn how to get along well with their classmates, well preparing their future life in society. In classes, the abundance of face-to-face interaction with teachers and discussion with classmates help children to communicate and express themselves, which cultivates some eloquent public speakers. Various after-class activities of schools add to studentscolorful life. All those benefits above can not be taken place by studying online at home.

(I only wrote part of it.)

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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