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Shares Who Am I
2025-2-7 14:40
When asking the question of “ Who am I ” , I am in actual fact asking the orientation respectively of three things: my personality, my fate, and my lifestyle. The first thing I can change, the second thing I can fight against, and the third thing I can probe and choose. When these three ...
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Shares The Pleasant Solitude (by Chen Guo) 1
2025-2-5 18:50
Preface: Why I Write a Book A few years ago, by coincidence, a video of myclass about “solitudeand loneliness”was uploaded to the Internet, and I didn’t expect thatmany people clicked to watch it, and that it was well accepted and praised. Afterwards, I  ...
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Shares The Review & Expectation
2025-1-29 17:16
Last year of mine was a battle between “rolling up”and “lying flat”. With respect to the former, the negative side was that my health suffered for my resolve to compile a set of English dictionaries which as I supposed would benefit my vocabulary building, while on the contrary the gar ...
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Shares The Fruit
2025-1-22 20:31
After long-lasting struggle, I have nearly developed a false notion: the fruit that I will harvest in the very end would not adequately reward the former and most part of the suffering ages. The fruit of endeavor has been an illusion with allure, but more of an illusion that by all means ...
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Shares The Unwavering Effort
2025-1-20 19:32
There has always been times for me that the meaning of effort seems fragile. I can never be the top one, the distinguished one, or even an excellent one. There are always people seemingly for me to rival but actually unmatchable. Faced with all of the reality, I am often feeling in need of some fo ...
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Shares Independent Love
2025-1-12 21:08
For a man who has neither good looks nor riches, love seems distant. But rather than putting it that way, we can only say a “relationship” seems out of reach. True “love” first sprouts from an independent heart and endures within such a heart. To admire someone, a man must first admire himself ...
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Shares Fill Up Your Life
2025-1-7 13:27
There are two states in life. One is to be content and at ease , and the other is to be ordinary yet unsatisfied . Both of the two states can lead to happiness, especially the latter can also do . Just because of being unsatisfied , there is pursuit. W he ...
120 views|2 replies Hot 1
Shares My Lovely Life 1
2025-1-6 19:53
Preface As I started writing little poems, I was attracted by Uqin’s “nonsense poems” and felt they were very funny, and assumed that writing the like would be easy. However, after actually creating a few, I realized that “Uqin poems” are not s ...
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Shares Freedom & Happiness
2024-12-30 21:32
There is a poem that says, “ Freedom , love! These two I need. For my love I will sacrifice life, for freedom I will sacrifice my love. ” Although the content of this poem does not quite coincide with my views, it by all means convey s a truth: If a person wants t ...
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Shares Writing to Myself 6
2024-12-29 20:55
Only if one loves labour would he enjoy the happiness therefrom. He who by force is used to labour would not leave behind the tiredness, but owe it to the helplessness of life. If a man is not adept in reading, he would miss the most fortunate path to gain talent. The very high ...
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