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why you still single

115 views. 2024-6-8 16:32 |Individual Classification:daily journal

When we are old enough to get marry, we are always asked " why you still single?" Actually, keeping single is because the girl I like don't like me. I try but seem to fail although we still are friend now. Even though meeting someone who you are like each other is very lucky, I feel comfortable and accessible alone.  I also afraid if I have a girlfriend, I will be trapped. And in the term, we all in the crossroad of life and are expect to meet someone who will go on the remain of life. It's hard imagined that people get together just because they are void and alone. We are waiting the one who are together with us in soul and communicate the deep topic. Rather than saying people like be alone, the standard of selecting the right has been raised. We don't want to find someone randomly to get marriage and we don't want to waste time and energy in a bad relationship. We start to understand the primary task is love ourselves and believe we are worthing be loved. But many people who are crazy about finding love even unaware the significance of being alone, which give you more time to explore yourself and to contact with the word. Majority of us give in to the peer's pressure and the urgence from families until one day we find that the truth: To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.


When we reach the age where marriage becomes a topic of conversation, we are often asked, "Why are you still single?" The truth is, staying single is because the girl I like doesn't like me back. I've tried, but it seems to no avail, even though we remain friends. Meeting someone who reciprocates your feelings is indeed a stroke of luck, but I find comfort and freedom in being alone. I'm also afraid that having a girlfriend might feel like being trapped. At this point in our lives, we are all at a crossroads, hoping to meet someone to share the rest of our lives with. It’s hard to imagine people getting together merely out of loneliness and emptiness. We are waiting for someone whose soul resonates with ours, with whom we can share deep and meaningful conversations.

Rather than saying people enjoy being alone, it’s more accurate to say that the standards for choosing a partner have risen. We don't want to marry someone randomly, nor do we want to waste time and energy on a bad relationship. We are beginning to understand that the primary task is to love ourselves and to believe that we are worthy of love. However, many people are so desperate to find love that they overlook the significance of being alone, which allows more time to explore oneself and connect with the world. Most of us succumb to peer pressure and family urgings until one day we realize the truth: To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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