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Just do it

328 views. 2024-6-11 22:33 |Individual Classification:daily journal

Even though a week has gone, it seems that I don't have much progress in English writing. I have recited some sentences but I still do not know how to use them flexibly. But I believe the situation will get better. Everything is developing. The only thing we need to do is to persist in the right way.  And I also find the problem that many sentences I just write down and recite once, but I do not explore it. You will not understand its nurture unless you understand the rule behind the surface. And another thing I should pay attention to is that my passion is decaying. I am eager a success to encourage me. It's still have a long way need to go. And my study faces a  problem too, which is about my code. There are some errors with my code. My teacher asks me do it by myself, but I have spent a week time on examining the mistake. That's fine. God helps someone who help themselves. Just do it!!

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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