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the source of confidence

361 views. 2024-6-17 21:50 |Individual Classification:daily journal

Today, I am thinking about a question what's the source of confidence? I used to see someone with power in hand or money in pocket as a confident man, because they are the stronger in our society. I always reckon having a strong body, high status, and beauty face,such things will make someone confident. But it seems I was wrong. There are some normal people who looks confident. I just want to figure out how a normal folk can be confident.  What's the truly source of confidence? Maybe the source is not relevant to the out things but only comes from our heart. When we face a great challenge ,we should believe we can provide a solution. Because someone said if you don't believe yourself, nobody will. But how can I believe I can get it down though I have never success before . How can I believe I can finish the task I have little experience. How can we sure our confidence is reasonable? Actually, I don't find the answer. In other words, I am not a confident man. I always concerned about the risks and think about the plan B. I am not sure I can really achieve the final line and I am not sure wither or not I can climb the peak of the mount in life. I just prepare a lot to give me courage forward. I just memorize past achievement to let me believe I can do something because I have done similar things before. But if I can take on huge responsibility from my colleague to be asked to finish a difficult task for the glory of team , I become unconfident. I am not fear a failure just include myself, but I fear the things concerned about the whole team. I anxious to let them down. It is still a long way I need to learn , to explore what is the truly source of confidence .

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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