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as an interviewer

805 views. 2012-8-14 23:24 |

our team is hiring a AR accountant for few weeks.
but until now, we still don't hunt the right person.
the key reason is about candidates' english. most them said they are good at it, but unfortunately, it was not true.
i can understand why they say they are good at english, but can they do some homework before the interview.
did they have a sense of shame when they didn't do as they said!
as the interviewer, i have leart a lot during the interview.
in my opinion, firstly, we should show our pasion during the interview,  let the interviewer know how much we want to take the job opportunity; secondly, show our strength and shortnees, let the interviewers to judge if we are suit for the work; the last but not least, to be honest, no matter how excellent or bad you are, please be real yourself.
acctually, to hunt a good job just like to find your Mr. Right, you can pretend to someone else one day, one week even one month, but you can not do it whole life.
what's more, the company just want to hunt a suit person, not the best one.
so, please be your real self.

Post comment Comment (5 replies)

Reply cabin 2012-8-14 23:26
what i want to be!
it's problem for me!
Reply heai88 2012-8-15 09:41
Wow, I have to say you have rich experience in hunting right persons for your company, my English is not good, so I dare not to change my present job. Now I make every effort to improve it, as I hope I will have more chances in finding a job in the future. If not, it becomes hard for me to earn my tiny bread.
Reply moli 2012-8-15 14:49
I have the experience of recruiting at work.
Let me tell you the truth, the HR tend to employ the suitable and the qualified person for the positon, not the excellent one.
Reply cabin 2012-8-19 22:31
moli: I have the experience of recruiting at work.
Let me tell you the truth, the HR tend to employ the suitable and the qualified person for the positon, n
yes, it's true. so no need to be someone else, just be ourselfs.
Reply cabin 2012-8-19 22:37
heai88: Wow, I have to say you have rich experience in hunting right persons for your company, my English is not good, so I dare not to change my present job.
my english is just so so, but i just dare to speak it. xixi, let's work together, i believe we can do it better and better.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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