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Shares Hit the roof
lingering 2011-4-18 10:56
Meaning : You can say someone hits the roof if they lose their temper and show their anger. For example : When the boss saw Jim's mistake, he hit the roof. He yelled and thumped the desk and told Jim to get out. When Johnny's dad found out that he'd been smoking ciga ...
Individual Classification: Idioms|674 views|1 replies
Shares Put Your Foot in Your Mouth
lingering 2011-4-17 17:16
Meaning: If you put your foot in your mouth you say or do the wrong thing and usually make matters worse. For example: I really put my foot in my mouth when I asked her how her husband was. I forgot that he died last year. Every time he speaks he puts ...
Individual Classification: Idioms|592 views|3 replies


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