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how bad i am

1536 views. 2013-3-20 11:13 |

just now i reviewed what i'd written in miniblog, how bad, some lessons i'v forgotten. like be more industrious and carefull. and make lesser mistake, speak some out more, say sth...but look at me right now: sitting at the front of computer, searching internet like Taobao, Sina, Microblog, Dio.....i don't know why i don't have the equal passion and mood to work. even now i have some tired feeling and boring in my job. sometimes i wanna escape.escape the mistake i resulted, avoid the responsibility. i just fear. i don't know why. maybe the pressure from myself. u know what, i'v stayed into this company for nearly 3years. some lowest mistake which could happen in newcomers i took. my boss endures me in most of this period. he always encourage me and teach me what i should do , then make perfect. i don't know either. the moment i was pushed to make up to work much more carefull. but after several days, the same mistake i took again. 'Dam it' i wanna say. don't i be careful enough? or i should go home to be full-time mother. i really don't like this atmosphere......

Post comment Comment (11 replies)

Reply sunnyv 2013-3-20 12:47
Most people sway away to do something they like once in a while. No problem. It don't only happen with you. However, we have to take our work seriously because we are paid to do the work and if we neglect our work, we would not feel good. Never mind. Just generate enough energy and willpower to go a good job and you would feel much better. Being a full time mother is wasteful of your abilities and not compatible with modern life. Wish you the best.
Reply headmaster 2013-3-20 13:08
Come on,so do I.
Reply JasonLiang 2013-3-20 20:10
i can understand what the feeling really is,just as mine for a long while.Working without any thought,being boring of everything,fearing something what we donnot know exactly.With time going we will be better,trust me,because we all have a dream.You need to spend some time  sharing with yourself what v been hiden in your heart.
Reply linda@crab 2013-3-21 15:15
JasonLiang: i can understand what the feeling really is,just as mine for a long while.Working without any thought,being boring of everything,fearing something wha
how long have u in your company?
Reply linda@crab 2013-3-21 15:16
headmaster: Come on,so do I.
Reply linda@crab 2013-3-21 15:18
sunnyv: Most people sway away to do something they like once in a while. No problem. It don't only happen with you. However, we have to take our work seriousl
thanks for your suggestion. i need to consider it seriously nowadays!
Reply start007 2013-3-21 16:30
You can do the thing correctly in the first time, then why not later? Just adjust your attitude and believe in yourself. You don't know your potential until you encounter setbacks and get out of it. Good luck!
Reply JasonLiang 2013-3-21 18:40
linda@crab: how long have u in your company?
not very long,i v been staying there for 2 years .
Reply headmaster 2013-3-21 21:43
Reply linda@crab 2013-3-22 10:38
JasonLiang: not very long,i v been staying there for 2 years .
3years already for me
Reply linda@crab 2013-3-22 10:39
start007: You can do the thing correctly in the first time, then why not later? Just adjust your attitude and believe in yourself. You don't know your potential
3Q very much

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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