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quit letter

Hot 11741 views. 2013-4-1 16:26 |

I want to resign my recent job. who can help me teach me how to write resign letter. please give me some sample. thanks a lot!
I'v in here for 3years, i'm not the major that i did in the last 3years. for this i must greatful for my boss, he gave me this chance to let me learn this sphere, i was a new student completely in international trading career. luckly, my boss would hire me to do Documents, which is one step of trading business. even though i made mistake time and time, he treated me patiently. so thanks to him. but how foolish i was! sometimes i made the same mistake which resulted him to make my mistake. if u were my boss, u could fed up and be crazy. i know that's my faults. he just like my teacher faithfully speaking. anyway he was very kind. no more words, no more abusements. well, sometimes like child. he would make joke with u when u didn't realise. funny! (PS. he is 62 years old.
For my colleagues, another thankful for them. as i'm the youngest girl in office, they would help me and taught me often especailly in the begaining time when i came to this company. now i find that we were a big family. we help each other and disguise sth for each other(haha). just like family.
But now beacause of my private reason i have to resign. how pity i feel!
So it's my cituation. could someone help me to write one quit letter.
Thanks a lot!

Post comment Comment (6 replies)

Reply fleaf 2013-4-1 17:55
Research it from the internet,you will find everything you want
Reply linda@crab 2013-4-8 13:22
fleaf: Research it from the internet,you will find everything you want
u know what: this month declined 1/6 of my deserve salary after i hand my boss the quit letter. i don't know why. who can tell me, if i need to ask my boss and give me one explanation.
Reply fleaf 2013-4-9 13:37
absolutely no, it's obviously that your boss okay your quit letter. Don't you understand? You are not his clerk any more ,why should he pay you more ?
Reply linda@crab 2013-4-17 12:30
fleaf: absolutely no, it's obviously that your boss okay your quit letter. Don't you understand? You are not his clerk any more ,why should he pay you more ?
u know what. i show you an example: every month i get 8K, but the day after i handed my quit letter, she down staff salary, i just got 7K, the key is that my quit letter said that i could leave at the end of this month, this salary is my salary of last month....
Reply fleaf 2013-4-22 09:58
linda@crab: u know what. i show you an example: every month i get 8K, but the day after i handed my quit letter, she down staff salary, i just got 7K, the key is  ...
I got your meaning from your article . I think that's nomal, they clearly know you will leave next month, so why not pay you less... Your boss is such a ....!! So calm down, just leave.. You made a good choice ! Good luck next time.
Reply linda@crab 2013-4-23 10:33
fleaf: I got your meaning from your article . I think that's nomal, they clearly know you will leave next month, so why not pay you less... Your boss is such ...
thank u at the same!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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