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Shares missing month salary
2013-4-8 13:32
after i hand my resign letter, the second day, my boss down month salary, i realised 1/6 of my deserve money is missing. i don't know why, i would stay here the end of this month. but why,,,why declined my salary.. should i ask her for why, should i get the explaination?????? Help!
1497 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares quit letter
2013-4-1 16:26
I want to resign my recent job. who can help me teach me how to write resign letter. please give me some sample. thanks a lot! I'v in here for 3years, i'm not the major that i did in the last 3years. for this i must greatful for my boss, he gave me this chance to let me learn this sphe ...
1839 views|6 replies Hot 1
Shares how bad i am
2013-3-20 11:13
just now i reviewed what i'd written in miniblog, how bad, some lessons i'v forgotten. like be more industrious and carefull. and make lesser mistake, speak some out more, say sth...but look at me right now: sitting at the front of computer, searching internet like Taobao, Sina, Microblog, Dio..... ...
1537 views|11 replies
Shares Valentine's Day
2012-2-14 12:26
why havn't i seen some blogs on Valentine's Day here till now? out of my receptation. remembering that once there was some featival, guys of u would write sth. but i'v brosen several times here. none! stange! is there sth wrong? or most of us have tired of it...
1602 views|6 replies
Shares i'm going to mad
2012-2-10 14:46
God! i'd like to find one rent house in Shanghai! but several days passed i didn't find one that i'm fond of! having checked somewebsites like 58Tongcheng, Ganji...yes! there really really offer varieties of rooms, one-room-one kitchen-one-dinning or no-dinnng (it's my ideal room, just for my ...
1735 views|6 replies
Shares boring
2012-2-7 16:10
this is the second work week after Spring Festival. so boring! nothing to do! stare at computer but don't know what i should watch and what i need to do! no mission no pressure! this sense doesn't give me relax while flatter, uncomfortable! no tasks while sitting straight facing computer! no sound v ...
1173 views|18 replies
Shares my sina micro-blog address
2011-12-7 16:06
hey! here! everybody notice! if u have sina micro-blog, please add me there, ok? my name: linda-wll. my head avater! forgotten when i registered sina micro-blog, once opened, i watched lots of topics and celebrates, but few people noticed me, so in here, i need your help! maybe we can share mor ...
744 views|1 replies
Shares Korea Music
2011-12-7 10:42
I don't know whether u are fond of Korea music. i am! Big Fan! No my prejudice, Korea singers always make me high and crazy. once u watch some of their MV or others, some are pretty but sexy, handsome but charming---in appearance! (even though we doubt how can they own that beautiful face, m ...
852 views|6 replies
Shares nearby New Year
2011-12-5 10:10
how time flies(seems everyone wanna say these slang). it's true. this year we'll celebrate the NewYear in 23th Jan, 2012. forwarder than former years,right? remember last year was on 14th Feb, 2011. So buddies, have u considered some plan or preparations for it? like save some definate money fo ...
820 views|7 replies
Shares big mistake
2011-12-1 12:20
i don't know how to change for myself! Here: The date should be 30th of Nov, but i wrote the 31th of Nov. my staff found this mistake in my Documentation sheets. shouted and said to me: u are so shamefull in half of our company. these sheets are the ones need to be sent to DNC( Japan ). G ...
852 views|14 replies

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