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linda@crab's Space [Favorites] [Copy] [Shares] [RSS]


i wanna get marry suddenlly...
  • IMNONARCISSUS: Why not? (11-2 16:20)
  • linda@crab:  no ready (11-4 14:40)
  • IMNONARCISSUS: Why not get ready as quickly as possible? (11-5 10:21)
  • linda@crab: (11-7 09:01)
  • tammytao: sometimes I have the same feeling,haha,but I get nobody whom I can marry with. (11-8 08:39)
  • linda@crab: (11-8 14:01)
  • steven0571: you're still young,once you get married you'll lose freedom. (12-8 10:55)
  • linda@crab: really?i'm scared (12-8 11:44)
  • winner: it's not ture ,when you get married ,you'll find anonther beautiful world .another life ^ (2-3 09:32)
  • linda@crab: fear (2-3 13:34)
2011-10-31 12:48 Reply|

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