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A disguating thing

1109 views. 2010-5-18 08:15 |Individual Classification:emotion|

       Last night, my classmate told me that our teachers had a meeting in the afternoon and they made a new modle for our article.
       That means we have to change our article again. How disguating!!! Again and again, which one should be the last one?!

Post comment Comment (7 replies)

Reply moli 2010-5-18 09:49
Cheer up!
Reply touringchina 2010-5-18 12:54
he may give you some choice
Reply minyingtao 2010-5-18 14:59
moli: Cheer up!
I will
Reply Amma 2010-5-18 15:26
it is really disgusting.
why do they emphysize the form of the article so much!
i am speechless.
hope all things can pass quickly!
Reply minyingtao 2010-5-18 15:30
Amma: yeah.
it is really disgusting.
why do they emphysize the form of the article so much!
i am speechless.
hope all things can pass quickly!
Me too
Reply rainecho415 2010-5-18 22:06
wow, really disgusting! Maybe you have to do it all over again!
Reply minyingtao 2010-5-19 09:43
rainecho415: wow, really disgusting! Maybe you have to do it all over again!
No, I had finished it

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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