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( 11182 ) Visits

  • I'm back! Reply
  • Vouloir,c'est pouvoir! Reply
  • Happy New Year! Reply
  • The first snow in 2010, so beautiful!!! Reply
  • Just now, in Happy Camp, Zeng Yike' s father gentle eyes make me think of my father. I think all the fathers in the world always look at their daughter like that... Reply
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday1989 - 11 - 2
  • Birthplace湖北 荆门
  • Blood TypeAB

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What is the Right Thing to Do? 2010-09-05
I have just watched a lecture called Justice given by Michael Sandel, a professor of Harvard University. He put forward some controversial ca ...
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Being a Senior 2010-08-28
How time flies! I have had classes for one week, that is to mean, I am a senior virtually, although I am not willing to be one.   ...
(843) Views|(2) Replies
About Drinking 2010-08-22
Drinking now becomes a part of our culture, and books about table manners will leave a large space for drinking. In the past, only when there a ...
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A Query to the Civil Service Examination 2010-08-12
  An article reported by China Youth on August 9th, arouse the hot discussion about the justice of employing civil servant. The article said ...
(923) Views|(5) Replies
My Family 2010-08-11
  Father, mother, younger brother and I make up a lively and cozy family.     Father is very slim, so am I. He has char ...
(857) Views|(1) Replies

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littlegrass 2010-9-24 09:45
On this warm occasion, one of the most simple to you my friend: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! I wonder whether my wishes can reach you. Let me drink a toast for my rriend with my best wishes.
rex86 2010-9-9 20:56
HI ~
Sarawang 2010-9-1 16:51
littlegrass 2010-8-16 07:50
Happy Double-seventh Festival! Wish all shall be well, and Jack have Jill. Life will never be the same without love.
littlegrass 2010-8-15 08:40
Offer our sincerest and profoundest condolences to the victims as the disastrous debris flow and the best regards and expectations to the alive!
bluebird 2010-7-25 15:41
I see you're a screen-drama fan.
pioneer 2010-3-6 17:20
Richard1000 2010-1-7 10:56
hi, betty396
taho4012 2010-1-4 20:25
betty396: Thank you!
Happy Birthday~~~
Thank you very much!
taho4012 2010-1-3 22:27
After browsing yr blogs,I have to say you really have a good written english!
iamcq_2001 2010-1-1 10:24
betty396: Happy Birthday!
thanks a lot.
happy new year
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