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i am in trouble

739 views. 2009-12-29 22:38

  As our final examnation is approaching ,but my review materrials are stored at my computer  maybe it is not advisable for me to review in the dormitory . the effective duration is limit when the peaceful evironment is broken, maybe my deadly  shortcoming is that i am easily influenced by external environment 
   Maybe in this particular case,i must do my utmost to chang this situation.believe myself  i can do it .

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Reply v87zhou 2009-12-29 22:41
Yep, Believe yourself!
Reply Samaritan 2009-12-29 22:54
Just calm down and think what was going on. I think you can get what you want.
Reply lumin 2009-12-29 23:43
Of course you can, the longer, the more aggreable you'll be about the fact that learning in dormitory is impossible. I'm getting used to do learning on the computer, so I choose to bring it to classrooms or the library.^_^You can have a try.
Reply lastingmcu 2009-12-29 23:55
All we are same to you! hi,this is the life of univisity!
Reply Peter_zhang 2009-12-30 11:40
come on. u can listening to the music to avoid the noise. u can have a try. In some case, u can talk with them,or say your advice. As long as u do it , u will gain one result for u
Reply luckystarhi 2009-12-30 13:23
lumin: Of course you can, the longer, the more aggreable you'll be about the fact that learning in dormitory is impossible. I'm getting used to do learning o
heh thanks for your advice  i will have a try
Reply luckystarhi 2009-12-30 13:26
lastingmcu: All we are same to you! hi,this is the life of univisity!
yeah , but more important thing for us is that we should keep our faith
Reply lastingmcu 2009-12-30 13:29
Learn what we want.that's good!
Reply luckystarhi 2009-12-30 13:31
Peter_zhang: come on. u can listening to the music to avoid the noise. u can have a try. In some case, u can talk with them,or say your advice. As long as u do it
hehe  maybe this is not their fault dormitory is one place for them to air their views  ,i will take your advise to listen some music to practise my self-control.
Reply luckystarhi 2009-12-30 13:32
Samaritan: Just calm down and think what was going on. I think you can get what you want.
hehe thank you for your encouragement!
Reply luckystarhi 2009-12-30 13:34
v87zhou: Yep, Believe yourself!
hehe  let's work together

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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