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  • Real Name张绪珩
  • GenderMale
  • Birthday1987 - 6 - 22
  • Birthplace山东 泰安
  • Residence上海 杨浦
  • Blood TypeA
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Good to see it again 2010-02-09
                   Good to see it again Today, our ...
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What about life without a TV set 2010-02-07
Yesterday, the TV set in my house was out of work. We tried all the tackles we could though, but it was still dead. We decided to buy a new one o ...
(983) Views|(7) Replies
Who is she 2010-02-07
                 Who is she When you were 1 year old, she fe ...
(1015) Views|(5) Replies
To perfect the easy, and manage the hard 2010-02-03
               To perfect the easy, and manage the hard This is the mo ...
(1018) Views|(9) Replies
Habits of highly effective people 2010-01-31
            Habits of highly effective people Yesterday, I finished a book Habits o ...
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yaping 2010-12-26 19:30
loong 2010-12-4 11:37
fancy greeting you
miraclesky 2010-2-25 08:53
zhangxuheng: Hehe 3Q
miraclesky 2010-2-24 17:28
you are my first friend!!hi!!
Lity 2010-2-21 09:16
nice to meet you!!
crystal727 2010-2-3 00:34
hello~what a coincidence! we are in the same city and same district! nice to meet you!
MrVan 2010-1-26 06:28
Have a good breakfast...I gotta make powdered milk allergic to the local shelf stuff...funny I can drink Australian milk...better processing
yyjjxx12345 2010-1-25 16:40
according your qq code,i add you as friend,and hope that you can accept it
blackswan 2010-1-25 15:33
hi hi hi ...i am not small snake,, to be exactly i am a pretty girl snake ..
MrVan 2010-1-16 07:26
uda man because crab girl likes u...only kidding...listen to an old rap toon by a band called SPM (South Park Mexican) The track is called "You Know My Name" its like a parody of rap but so well done it deserves your praise! The Vanman
linda@crab 2010-1-14 09:25
u live in Yangpu district,and graduates from Fudan??? l live in Guodinig Road,so nearly,right???maybe we will have a meeting for facing later,hehe.nice
linda@crab 2010-1-8 16:57
i'm in YangPu district too.nice too meet you.
niuniu_0623 2010-1-2 21:22
zhangxuheng: Hehe, I did't expect to your answer. Good day.
Glad to see you!Good day!and hope you will have a happy day tomorrow!
niuniu_0623 2010-1-2 21:15
zhangxuheng: What were you looking at?
ah…I'm sorry,I could hardly , answer you question.
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