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Bluebird Garden [Favorites] [Copy] [Shares] [RSS] When God closes a door, He opens a window.

  • Real Name苏相宜
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday2 - 11
  • Residence重庆市 万州区
  • Blood TypeA
  • QQQQ

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ly.identity 2013-6-17 18:39
bluebird: Your planet is handsome!
Just now, when i opened ‘blog', few names i recognized. Then i turened to ‘friend’s blog’, still not so many. Like what you said, some’s gone and some’s come.
Miss the days when we were all here.
ly.identity 2012-10-30 22:04
Miss you...
snowflying 2012-5-25 19:33
wish all of yours goes well, cross my fingers to bless you from far Hebei, my girl.
liudan89 2011-12-24 15:13
snowflying 2011-11-20 20:54
my best wishes together with you,dear girl.
snowflying 2011-10-14 19:46
go on, support and cheer for you firmly,dear girl
huckabee 2011-9-11 23:52
bluebird: Comes another Mid-autumn Festival. Best wishes to my dear big brother
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.
2010jj 2011-9-11 19:28
bluebird: I come to present you with a mooncake.
Thanks for your mooncake. That's so sweetie.
rich 2011-9-10 18:36
bluebird: Happy Teacher's Day! And wish your family a nice Mid Autumn Festival.
thank you so much! Happy mid-autumn festival to you!
rich 2011-8-22 18:05
a question to ask: how can i see the messages typed by others on skype? once i press the answer button, i can't see the message box. if i type sth in myself, i can only see my own message. sorry to trouble you. waiting to hear from you.
ly.identity 2011-4-14 23:01
bluebird : I seem to have missed lots of your blogs! Still, You're a friend here I'm missing most (注:those two "miss" mean differently; the forme Thank you. You know, when your six notices came to my eyes, it seemed that I had waited for this moment for a long time. This blog, without you, fairy, Sally_Fan, huckabee and other old friends, to me is totally different. It becomes a strange place and I know not the people here. Furthermore, while busy myself with the diary typset, a rang ... ...
rich 2011-2-9 14:28
i sincerely wish you a very happy birthday! do something to celebrate, you deserve it.  may the new year bring you all the best of luck!
ly.identity 2011-1-26 20:24
bluebird: Sorry, a wrong word! I meant "puppy".
You know, my sister thought the 恶犬 here refers to her~
ly.identity 2011-1-25 12:23
bluebird: Instead of a "恶犬", I expect a lovely poppy here.
Why Poppy?
ly.identity 2011-1-1 19:39
Lovely avatar~
darkblue 2010-12-25 19:38
bluebird: Your avatar is freshing and you're certainly not a Bad Girl
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