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  • Oh I got flu again in this winter which made me feel suck. Body is very important to us,as u konw,good healthy is the most important thing during our life. Oh type limits Reply
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What do you really want from us !!!!!!!!! 2010-03-06
  When we were the Sick Man of Asia ,we were called The Yellow Peril 当我没还是亚洲弱国的时候吗,我们被称为黄祸 When we are billed ...
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Soon 2010-02-04
 As the Spring Festival is coming soon, all the people begin to make the plan about Seven days  holiday.And mine is very simple:Back back ...
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Cellphone 2010-01-31
  Nowadays  cellphone is become a indispensable part of modern people,we can listen to the music or radio through it while walkin ...
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Keeping distance make people more harmonize 2010-01-28
   There is an old allygory: Two hedgehogs stay in the same hole to hibernate.If they get too close they would stap each other or they wi ...
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Don`t have conflict with ur honcho 2010-01-25
   We had  an regular group meeting at office  this afternoon,one of my mates had the confilct with our honcho because of th ...
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yyjjxx12345 2010-2-3 07:49
i add you as qq friend,thanks
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