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I'm back!  Now, I just need to drag my lazy bones out of bed!
2019-11-16 22:20 Reply|
All my personalities got together and had a meeting. We decided we are all sane.
  • sunnyv: Great minds think alike. (12-19 15:21)
2015-12-15 04:45 Reply|
I'm wondering why there are no blogs some days on this site.  Am I missing something?  Fewer people writing?  Unlikely.  Has something on the site changed? Perhaps.  Hmmmm
  • sunnyv: As you are not situated in China but have great interest in China, I wonder how often you read the blogs at this site. Yeah, sometimes writer run out of topics to write about. (10-14 22:26)
  • sedgehead: I used to visit here every day and still find the site interesting.  However, I do plan on coming back often. It has been two weeks. (12-2 05:48)
2015-10-4 04:27 Reply|
新年快乐!One of the first Chinese phrases I ever learned.  What I didn't expect?  That learning Chinese would lead to grandchildren.  My son married one of my QQ friends. 2563613199.
2015-2-19 06:55 Reply|
I'm staying busy.  That's a good thing!
2014-1-23 02:03 Reply|
The US news media is useless. I cut the cable (no TV) a few months ago. I tried to find news on line. It's just tabloid garbage, three networks but not real news. Perhaps that's good. No wars.
2014-1-11 15:02 Reply|
My wife and I decided to not send Christmas gifts to our grandchildren. Part of the reason was money, but part was because we've never been thanked by them. We may celebrate CNY instead! AH!  
2014-1-11 13:47 Reply|
Overnight, the wind moved in with a vengeance!  Today the sky spits snow, the birds freeze as they scurry about to find the seeds we put out for them, and the trees drift with the breezes.
2014-1-6 03:59 Reply|
“It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien 新年快乐! ...
2014-1-1 02:25 Reply|
The US congress has gone crazy! They need to balance the budget, but the real problem with the House of Representatives is that we have a man who is half black in the White House. They can't stand it!
2013-10-10 02:17 Reply|
What a day!  I had a slow week of editing last week with the National Day holiday in China.  This week will make up for it.  I have lots to do!
2013-10-8 02:34 Reply|
If fishing is not a religion, why do they call the study of fish ichthyology?  After all, fish are icky and study of religion is called theology!
2013-9-29 08:25 Reply|
I like to look at the moon and use it to send thoughts to my friends.  I think "this is for you" and look a the moon and bounce them a kiss.
  • liyao: moon~ (9-22 21:37)
2013-9-22 01:11 Reply|
I'm still wandering around here. I'm thinking of doing more blogging again with photos.
  • Yusuf: waiting... (9-19 08:55)
2013-9-19 03:27 Reply|
“It's a dangerous business . . . going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.” J.R.R. Tolkien
2013-9-16 09:08 Reply|
I really need to finish writing my first book of fiction, Moose Creek. I started it in 2009 and nearly finished it, but it was too boring. Now that it has a good story and ending I should wrap it up.
2013-9-15 13:44 Reply|
I need to start posting blogs with photos again on this website!
2013-9-14 05:52 Reply|
It's a little harder to write at 3 a.m.  But not much.
2013-9-13 16:12 Reply|
Life continues to keep me busy but I'm not bored!
2013-8-23 07:57 Reply|
“It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”  J. R. R. Tolkien
2013-8-7 12:18 Reply|

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