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Do not make a mockery of our grief--a letter to Filipino police 2010-08-26
Mr.  Ambassador: I am a private citizen of the HKSAR, China.  Like so many others in the world I was both shocked and grief stricke ...
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next year, we will come back! 2010-05-23
    stay different mood from yesterday when we defeat opponents and stand out from team B, the process of today's match was totally ...
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sorry, the ideal thought 2010-03-17
    it is so long since i log on the dioenglish last time. recently, i was busy handling with various kinds of software and hardw ...
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eternal cowboy, eternal tale 2010-03-07
     recently tidying up my collections , I found out an animation called cowboy bebop , which spent me a week to review the thin ...
(566) Views|(3) Replies
I like his style 2010-03-02
    finally, I have followed the first interesting professional courses, compared with the teacher yesterday who had been mu ...
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chykra 2010-6-1 12:22
igenace: ...
I haven't got used to look back to the record,so,i'm sorry for my obvious laziness.i think what you talk about in the last reply.
chykra 2010-5-31 22:24
igenace: ...anyway,there is no pure guy worldwide, it was my fault to use laugh the word. i should take smile,or maybe that will be fine.due to the weakness ev
Pardon me,what do you sorry for?I'm really confused why you say that "we draw on mask"?Why not just let it be?Just be yourself?We live in the world no matter sleeping or eating we all do it by ourselves,not by others.
chykra 2010-5-24 00:06
igenace : sound i was a weepy baby, take it easy, i am strong enough the face the situation.. but, reading  your console, i feel like laughing over,(there is fu Em,I do believe you're a smart boy!It's true.nodding.em,it seems my english is poor for using this word or that has the same effect--I cannot express how  redoubtable you are.By the way,I'm funny?Why do you laugh when you see my word?Is there any grammar mistake? ...
chykra 2010-5-23 23:45
igenace: seem you have hang around dio much time,  i feel like you have familiar with the atomosphere in dioenglish..
i like this place
chykra 2010-5-23 23:35
Sorry,i don't know the truth.Your information is missing when it's your turn?I'm sorry and feel pity.Cheer up and you still have the chance next year,isn't it?Come on,boy.If you feel unhapppy,let it out--like eating much or writing much.I hope everything goes well
chykra 2010-5-23 23:26
igenace: yeah, i am busy in artificial robot soccer 5v5,and today is our end of match,unfortunately,we lost the game...
er,let it be.You try your best,don't you?It's enough.Do you enjoy the game?If answer is yes,I think you get it.winning the match is not the most important thing.Experincing happiness from it is the key.Relax and be ready for the tomorrow.Tomorrow is another day and sun is shining.
chykra 2010-5-23 23:14
long time no see in dio.Good night.
chykra 2010-5-17 21:24
igenace: what does chykra mean? is that your english name?
my english name?er,it's not my english can take it just as a name--nothing special for it owning a little story
lyh 2010-3-21 22:39
igenace: Haruhiko Mikimoto?i like it.
hehe, having the same feeling....
huntermossly 2010-3-20 22:43
igenace: really, which sorts of comic do you prefer?
ehh... hitman reborn
naroto, 蠟筆小新 and so on....
and you?
huntermossly 2010-3-19 19:38
igenace: thanks. that is also why i chose it. i am a comic fan.
What a happy coincidence!
I am a comic fan too.
huntermossly 2010-3-18 21:15
hi, glad to meet u
ur photo is so cute n. i really like it
maygg25 2010-3-17 23:50
igenace: besides those hot animation, i like cowboy bebop, soul of Chinese chess, phantom, true tears, champloo samurai and so forth...
so many...
maygg25 2010-3-16 14:53
igenace: thank you ~! i am a comic fan.
which do you like best?
maygg25 2010-3-16 08:55
i like your  head sculpture..
linda@crab 2010-3-3 18:44
igenace: yeah, you got that right.maybe we can select various topics and share different attitudes toward something interesting!~
discuss different opinions and talk about feelings and thoughts.let's go!  hehe
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