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Some complains about the current situation

1518 views. 2010-9-11 06:17 |

        Long time no update, For the reason that I am going on about the work day and night recently. I feel so exhausted that I even wanna quit, but I don't wanna give up so easily. Just as the saying goes,The beginning is the hardest for the recruit. I must know the point. so there will be enough reasons for me to stay here for more time. ChongQing is really an amazing city, which is full of charm, splendid night scenes, so many belle, modern buildings, but I have to say I cann't get used to the life here  in such a short time. Especially to do with the spicy food, the hot weather, the unease accommodation status. Now I can't choose to sleep in bed, I have to stay up for the whole night, Coz this is part of my work. I feel so gloomy! Maybe my friends like you guys are sleeping well at present time. Even though I am telling you my complaints. OK, that's all. I feel much better now. Thank you all! Good night! My dear friends in Dioenglish, love you guys forevery!

Post comment Comment (9 replies)

Reply Daisy123 2010-9-11 07:58
Never give up.
Reply huckabee 2010-9-11 17:39
Cheer up, young man.
Reply ly.identity 2010-9-11 18:07
Hope you pull yourself through as soon as possible.
Reply Leoxiao100 2010-9-14 07:39
you could say anything you like. We could share with you and then you would relaxe. life need going on! come on!
Reply Sharer 2010-9-14 22:50
Leoxiao100: you could say anything you like. We could share with you and then you would relaxe. life need going on! come on!
Hey dude.....I get so moved by your words. Thank u so much! I will keep moving! U 2
Reply sucki 2010-9-18 19:19
Insist on if you think is worthy.but do not force yourself over what you can afford. Good luck and really hope that u can feel realx through the platform of Dioenglish
Reply Sharer 2010-9-19 01:57
sucki: Insist on if you think is worthy.but do not force yourself over what you can afford. Good luck and really hope that u can feel realx through the platf
Hah, I can't agree with you any more!
Reply Puss 2010-9-22 17:00
I'm in ChongQing too,honestly,i'm a little upset of being here,the people are somewhat...well,i don't know how to describe.i don't mean that they're not kind,probably coz that i just don't know how to be friends with'em or i'm too homesick or somehting...
Reply Sharer 2010-9-24 03:27
Puss: I'm in ChongQing too,honestly,i'm a little upset of being here,the people are somewhat...well,i don't know how to describe.i don't mean that they're n
Acutally, we are in the same box. I've got the same feelings like yours. Frankly speaking. I don't like the city here. I would like to get rid of it later or sooner.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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