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  • Residence北京 朝阳

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Baby boys are more than girls? 2013-09-03
      2 days ago, my nephew got born, which is a delightsome  ...
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No confidence of the Chinese furnishing 2013-08-22
No confidence of the Chinese furnishing I bought a new house last year,&nb ...
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Delicious from natural 2013-08-16
Delicious from natural Today i eat a peach which given by my f ...
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Some thoughts after travel 2013-08-08
Some thoughts after travel      The first weekend of this August  ...
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      Next week I would go to Japan for a short journey. I like many things of Japanese since I began to learn J ...
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vkeziv 2011-9-15 11:46
asacao: the babe is so lovely
in the future i want to have a son like this
怡兰 2011-7-18 14:17
asacao: You have QQ? haha,, fashionable
Yes, I do! I like QQ
littlegrass 2010-9-24 11:12
On this warm occasion, one of the most simple to you my friend: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! I wonder whether my wishes can reach you. Let me drink a toast for my rriend with my best wishes.
littlegrass 2010-6-21 10:41
Have a good day, my friend.
littlegrass 2010-6-16 11:14
Happy Zongzi Festival!
kingcrimson 2009-11-26 14:10
asacao: great!, thanks, hehe. and how about u?
I am doing well, thanks. just stopped by and looked around. dio has so many people now!  so nice. : )
kingcrimson 2009-11-19 13:56
hey. how's everything going?
Helen-Smile 2009-10-22 13:10
asacao: Beautiful acon!  welcome helen, u must be a quite sweet girl! smile! and keep going on!
Thank you! Glad to meet you.
JENNY~ 2009-9-4 23:54
asacao: the pic is so cool
thank you, and i hope that you will like it. 2009-9-2 09:16
asacao: your hat is not bad,,,
yeah, like a farmer!
珞韩 2009-7-31 23:03
asacao: hehe, just so so...
ah, i like it but have no time to learn it ~`
珞韩 2009-7-31 18:49
asacao: はい、とても、hehe
really? greate, i d like too, bt it seems you speak good japenses?
珞韩 2009-7-31 00:52
asacao: yes, it is a japanese name, hehe.
well , you like japenese culture or palys?
jimjim 2009-7-29 12:27
asacao: welcome,hehe, jimjim. there is seem someone called jimmy jimmy,hehe
no,you mistake,my name is jim,you can call me jimy
danielrayslee 2009-7-17 15:53
asacao: haha, you are so cute.
Why do you say I am cute?
danielrayslee 2009-7-16 08:30
asacao: sorry to see your  angry words, and to make you in bad feeling, that was not my intention. people's emotion are always change. hope you doing well.
You've changed. You've changed from the little girl who heals my soul to someone who say cynical words to me all the time.
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