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Hungry comes!

Hot 3750 views. 2013-7-4 17:32 | attention, important, possible, strength, because

        After being pregnant, the most important and most attention occupying thing is,--eating.

      Eat because hungry. I become quite easily hungry since only being 4 weeks pregnant. For example, got up at 7 am, I need to eat food as soon as possible, or would fee.l throw up, and would not have strength to go out to work. At 10am, hungry again, and I need an apple, a tomato, and some biscuit. Then I become a normal human again until 11:30. yes, then hungry struck me. Some nuts help to stand until 12, the lunch time. The bell of lunch time sounds like the starting gun for me.

      The afternoon time usually is divided into 4pieces by hungry alarming. The food are varies, yogurt, nuts, fruit, bread, and other not so routine. And dinner time comes! I can’t wait for another moment to eat, because every minute without food is suffering!

      Maybe someone think the night would be quiet, after had a wonderful dinner. Before I can’t agree more, while now, it becomes luxury. I was wake up in the midnight several times, all by hungry, the can’t waiting hungry. and I have to wear clothes, and go to seek some food, real food. Once there was no bread in home, I ,was forced to cook for myself, at 3-4am in the night!

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Reply huabubai2 2013-7-4 19:02
sincerely wish your baby a happy and healthy growth and may  all your wishes come true
Reply sunnyv 2013-7-4 19:34
It is normal to have hunger pangs during pregnancy. Seems the food you are taking is healthy and provide essential nutrients to the baby. However, don't overeat after the baby is born because that is the period that young mothers get overweight. Looking forward to the birth of your lovely baby. Best wishes.
Reply 3rdquarter99 2013-7-5 00:28
I am not a pregnat woman, but I would feel empty every moring without buying a number of hot stuffed buns on the way to company, it has beome a habit to eat buns, drink two or three glasses of Sigapore instant coffee and smoke two stick of cigarette in the office,
Reply asacao 2013-7-5 10:49
huabubai2: sincerely wish your baby a happy and healthy growth and may  all your wishes come true
Reply asacao 2013-7-5 10:50
sunnyv: It is normal to have hunger pangs during pregnancy. Seems the food you are taking is healthy and provide essential nutrients to the baby. However, don ...
u r right. i don't want to be overweight!!!!
Reply asacao 2013-7-5 10:50
3rdquarter99: I am not a pregnat woman, but I would feel empty every moring without buying a number of hot stuffed buns on the way to company, it has beome a habit  ...

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