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Graduation is a long way to go...

1188 views. 2010-5-12 23:32 |Individual Classification:Seasons in the Sun|

     Two months later, i have to  leave my college.  There is a saying, people usually cherish the past things. It's is of no exception to me. I still remmeber the first day to see it. It's a complex feeling with both excitement and frustration. I'm excited for the reason that i'm free to be in the new environment with fresh atomosphere. But I'm frustrated because the college is a lot different from what I have ever dreamt. Four-year time is really a hard-saying period. There is not so many four-year time with nearly nothing to be worried as a free individual in the whole life. Looking back my time, the idling time is more than study time. But i indeed learn a lot, no matter from gains or loses. Is it still a worthy life? Sometimes i'm just satisfied with my college life and sometimes i feel regret for not doing what i hope to finnish. Life is not always perfect.
     Now, my "free" time is coming to an end. Looking for jobs, houses, another position to set myself in society...graduation is indeed a long way to go. But i will not give up. A za Fighting!

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Reply chykra 2010-5-13 00:18
Good  luck.Things will be better.Hard  work, so  money  rush into  your  pocket.(just a joke)
Reply blueseachenxi 2010-5-13 09:25
chykra: Good  luck.Things will be better.Hard  work, so  money  rush into  your  pocket.(just a joke)
Hope it's like what you sayand thank you~
Reply empty~empty 2010-5-13 12:54
The mood of graduation must be complex,on one hand we want to challenge the society,on the other hand we hate to give up  the relaxed living at school.I will leave school soon,and also have the mood as you .
Reply blueseachenxi 2010-5-13 16:12
empty~empty: The mood of graduation must be complex,on one hand we want to challenge the society,on the other hand we hate to give up  the relaxed living at school
Nothing is perfect. But I feel students sometimes keep an ideal thought. I'm the best example. Sometimes the society is so far away from me.
Reply empty~empty 2010-5-13 17:09
O,It's batter to held a ideal mind which would lead you take a positive attitude.However ,for me,alway take a negative attitude.
Reply evelynliang 2010-5-13 18:00
College years will be everlasting in your mind. Equip yourself and meet the opportunitis and challenges ahead. It's part of our life.
Reply Amma 2010-5-13 20:35
my graduation is coming,too.
a little sad.
because i have to leave my lovely friends.
future is uncertain.
Reply Pennyniu 2010-5-13 22:41
Past time is always valuable, for it is a process we've been through, it is a part of our life, and it is a symbol of our growing.
Reply ly.identity 2010-5-13 22:56
There is a saying: 青春太好,好到你无论怎么过都觉得浪掷,回头一看,都要生悔. I think we can use "campus life" to replace "youth" here.
Reply ofelia 2010-5-13 23:05
It seems that I'm reading my own life. There is also a long way for me to go.. sometimes I feel so tired....
Reply blueseachenxi 2010-5-14 17:43
evelynliang: College years will be everlasting in your mind. Equip yourself and meet the opportunitis and challenges ahead. It's part of our life.
Sometimes i feel i'm not mature enough to challenge the work in society.  School life gives me too much comfort, but i am still ready to learn to meet all of these. O(∩_∩)O thank you~
Reply blueseachenxi 2010-5-14 17:45
empty~empty: O,It's batter to held a ideal mind which would lead you take a positive attitude.However ,for me,alway take a negative attitude.
maybe we two can help with each other on this, then we don't need to worry about that attitudes are too positive and too negative.
Reply blueseachenxi 2010-5-14 17:52
Amma: my graduation is coming,too.
a little sad.
because i have to leave my lovely friends.
future is uncertain.
yeah, it's a season that easily makes people sad because of graduation. Though future is uncertain, we still have to fight on.Hope u will get a good future.
Reply Amma 2010-5-14 19:25
Reply empty~empty 2010-5-14 19:39
Reply blueseachenxi 2010-5-14 21:16
Pennyniu: Past time is always valuable, for it is a process we've been through, it is a part of our life, and it is a symbol of our growing.
the time before growing is free and beautiful. It's the time that i don't want to give up and cherish the most.
Reply blueseachenxi 2010-5-14 21:18
ly.identity: There is a saying: 青春太好,好到你无论怎么过都觉得浪掷,回头一看,都要生悔. I think we can use "campus life" to replace "youth" here.
i appreciate this sentence. It has expressed my innerheart feelings indeed.
Reply blueseachenxi 2010-5-14 21:23
ofelia: It seems that I'm reading my own life. There is also a long way for me to go.. sometimes I feel so tired....
It' the same feeling we should have in this period. Then we can talk with each other about mutual situation.
Reply Great Tour 2010-5-14 22:40
A good beginning is half done, wishing good luck for everything.
Reply blueseachenxi 2010-5-15 09:46
Great Tour: A good beginning is half done, wishing good luck for everything.
Many thanks for your suggestion. I'm trying for my good beginning. And hope you, too.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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