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Shares 20170516
2017-5-16 11:39
Yesterday I told my mom and other family the good news. Actually, this good news happened to me several days ago. When I knew it, I wasn’t surprised but kind of unbelievable. In order not to make a mistake, I checked it three times in a day. Then the next morning, my husband and I woke up ea ...
892 views|0 replies
Shares 20170509
2017-5-9 19:00
I spent a lot of time learning an English song and I sang it not badly. It would be better to drive others to do actions with me when I was singing. When I stood in front of the interviewers and interviewees, I felt a kind of nervous and managed to introduce myself in English eventually. Because o ...
1053 views|7 replies Hot 2
Shares 20170508
2017-5-8 16:48
What happened to me? Oh, My God. I can’t stand myself. Sit and read at this moment. Then his voice appeared in my mind He said: his ex-girl friend is better to him. Last quarrel, he argued with me and he told it to me. It has bee ...
1010 views|2 replies Hot 1
Shares 20170505
2017-5-6 18:57
Zeng Guofan is one of the most influential characters in the Chinese history. And a number of books are about him, his character and his family and so on. I believe that he is well-known to most of people who have read such books. However, this is the first time that I have read o ...
800 views|0 replies
Shares 20170504
2017-5-4 17:18
When I left the room, I fetched a book and put it into my bag. All this morning I didn’t take it out from my bad. In this afternoon, I spared my time to read this book which was bought 2 years ago. And I just read a few parts of it. But I picked it again and realized that I was no mood to rea ...
1034 views|4 replies Hot 2
Shares 20170428
2017-4-28 15:19
The moon and sixpence Last week, I finished the famous book called The moon and sixpence. Actually, I didn’t know the book and what I knew was that it is a masterpiece. That’s why I have to read it. When I took the book and turned to the first page, it seemed ...
1113 views|0 replies
Shares 20170328
2017-3-28 13:36
Yesterday I just finished the novel The Joy Luck Club written by Amy Tan who is a Chinese-American. In this novel tells of the stories about four mothers and their American-born children. In 1949, four Chinese women immigrated to San Francisco, began meeting to dim sum, ...
745 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares 2016/12/31
2016-12-31 20:58
As time flies, it will be 2017. Even though I hope the time flies slowly, no one can make it walk slowly. At this moment, I am not interested in watching different kinds of New Year Countdown parties. Instead of watching TV, I would rather sit in front of the computer to so ...
578 views|0 replies
Shares 20161218
2016-12-18 21:15
I finished GONE GIRL a novel by Gillian Flynn today. In fact, this book was bought long long ago. When I picked it up, I realized it was not the type I liked. Having read several pages, I just gave it up. When I picked it again, I was really lost in it and couldn’t stop reading unt ...
522 views|0 replies
Shares 20160917
2016-9-17 17:24
During the short-long holiday, I just relaxed and was free. But I didn’t know how to enjoy it. I always spent some of the time on something that I like, but I didn't find it and felt guilty that the time passed away. Actually I really felt like doing something to imp ...
665 views|1 replies Hot 1

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