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............just renew

797 views. 2010-7-13 16:57

Although I am an English teacher
It's still very hard for me to write something in English
Cause I should rack my wits what I can write ,what I should write or how I should/can write
I must think
It's tiresome.
Ihave been thinking of myself as a lazy person
Finish the task till the last minute
Even if it is urgent
I know it's bad but diffcult to get rid of it

Post comment Comment (6 replies)

Reply rainecho415 2010-7-13 22:30
wow, you are an English teacher! Are you one of those excellent teachers in Huanggang High School?
Reply joy-forever 2010-7-14 13:52
rainecho415: wow, you are an English teacher! Are you one of those excellent teachers in Huanggang High School?
yep, i am in Huanggang,but my school is not so good as Huanggang High School.
Reply rainecho415 2010-7-14 15:24
joy-forever: yep, i am in Huanggang,but my school is not so good as Huanggang High School.
It doesen't matter! Since you are an English teacher, you deserve all my respect!
Reply 2010jj 2010-7-14 20:37
so go on writing and write anything.
Reply joy-forever 2010-7-14 22:05
2010jj: so go on writing and write anything.
ok,i will take your advice
Reply joy-forever 2010-7-14 22:06
rainecho415: It doesen't matter! Since you are an English teacher, you deserve all my respect!
it's my honor

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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