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Please reduce the volume

1040 views. 2010-5-26 19:17 |

       Always,I feel someone is very selfish who only think oneself.For example,by bus or office,or so others public places,someone don't care others people,chating or speaking louder and also free any uneasy when others look at they.I very hate.
      One morning,a music  waked up me swiftly when  i was sleeping,the music wasn't very stridence althought ,but I couldn't slept again.So i had to thought something.I couldn't understood why some people like doing it which brought some trouble for others and didn't realize.Please opened you head then thought,on this time, all people were sleeping who lived in this block,about 80% were worker,maybe those jobs was very hard and need some time to relaxed.Please given them time to slept and relaxed.I agreed you listen to music for enjoy by yourself but don't bothered others,they were nothing with you.
     About seven o'clock,one women shouted at upstairs and downstairs."Are you burn you brain?In the moring listen the CD,let's can't sleep."I didn't when you heard,what is felt for you?Be honest to say,I had some glee.Maybe,when you met a strong people you must be stronger than him/her,you could got yourself.Fifteen minutes later,aroud be quited,it's nothing with me,though.Bbecause I must be got up and went to work.
    "Please think more  of the time  when you have  to do something,the result maybe give a lot of inconvenience to others."Said to myself also to others."Think more for others."

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Reply Emmily 2010-5-26 19:48
There are plenty of this kind of people in current society. Sometimes they speak or shout loudly on purpose because they want to call others attention. While, there are also some people who act egotistically but they didn't mean it. You know, most part of families have one child now, so the child is the NO.1 at home. They may become the egotist owing to the force of habit, I guess, they didnot know how to concern others. Their parents and people around them need to teach them if neccesary.
Reply sunnyv 2010-5-26 20:24
Do you realise that in other countries nobody speaks loud on the cellphone? It is shocking when I first heard people shouting into the cellphone. It is not necessary talk to loudly on the modern cellphones because the cellphones adjust the volume automatically. No matter how loud you talk the other side will get the same level of sound. Another thing is, sometimes I find it annoying some guys stop and look at me without stopping as if they never seen a foreigner before. Just to be polite I just smile and say hi but they they just look surprised. I wonder if they realise that it is impolite to stare at somebody like this without greeting? It is time for those people to change.
Reply scale 2010-5-26 21:17
You're right,but it's a big problem.No one can always take care of other people,maybe you will make a same similar thing such as when you quarrelling with someone,but you are a nice person. I agree with you. I am learning how to ignore other person noise.
Reply touringchina 2010-5-27 08:19
if you can't stand the noisy surroundings ,you are gonna get used to it as soon as possible.coz as an individual ,we are all powerless to change the whole social lookings.if you want to enjoy the life,either be accustomed to it or just move to another place.that's more wise.
Reply Joycec 2010-5-27 08:55
Emmily: There are plenty of this kind of people in current society. Sometimes they speak or shout loudly on purpose because they want to call others attention
Yes,I am agree,so sometimes,I think more thing.The society will better and better,but some people will worse and worse.We lose many things.
Reply Joycec 2010-5-27 09:03
sunnyv: Do you realise that in other countries nobody speaks loud on the cellphone? It is shocking when I first heard people shouting into the cellphone. It i
Yes,I know,In others no one do that which i write,so we must be realise that and improve more.Some action is worse.As a Chinese,I think have many curiosity,so maybe let you uncomfortable,that why i think more why the different clutures make different thing.
Reply Joycec 2010-5-27 09:04
scale: You're right,but it's a big problem.No one can always take care of other people,maybe you will make a same similar thing such as when you quarrelling
Yes,I know what you mean,everyone make mistake,but we can try to do best.
Reply Joycec 2010-5-27 09:07
touringchina: if you can't stand the noisy surroundings ,you are gonna get used to it as soon as possible.coz as an individual ,we are all powerless to change the w
I know,I can't change the surroundings but I must be compliant.If i change the new place,I am not sure there will better than one.So do best myself.
Reply Sally_Fan 2010-5-27 09:11
I don't like thoes people too, as I really hate the noise.
Reply Joycec 2010-5-27 09:15
Sally_Fan: I don't like thoes people too, as I really hate the noise.
I know,but we hardly do anything.
Reply sunnyv 2010-5-27 11:37
touringchina: if you can't stand the noisy surroundings ,you are gonna get used to it as soon as possible.coz as an individual ,we are all powerless to change the w
Your attitude to this is wrong. In anything we do, we must consider the effect it has to people around us. If you do not consider this then the whole place would be a mess. Anyone should know that after a hard work day, people need some peace and quiet to sleep or relax. People should understand this without teaching. I am sure you would not accept it if your neighbour, friends or colleagues keep making noise or annoy you. This is basic social self discipline and everyone must follow it.
Reply sunnyv 2010-5-27 11:38
Joycec: Yes,I know,In others no one do that which i write,so we must be realise that and improve more.Some action is worse.As a Chinese,I think have many curi
OK next time I will use some humor to handle this problem. It should be OK. In fact this is universal, even I sometimes stare without knowing that it is wrong.
Reply Joycec 2010-5-27 12:04
sunnyv: OK next time I will use some humor to handle this problem. It should be OK. In fact this is universal, even I sometimes stare without knowing that it
Reply fairy0612 2010-5-27 12:06
sunnyv: Do you realise that in other countries nobody speaks loud on the cellphone? It is shocking when I first heard people shouting into the cellphone. It i
I want to do a little explain for those people, for I was one of them once. When I was a kid, I was always curious to see foreigners, I didn't know why they had different hair colours as well as eye as we have. I felt curious, I wondered whether the came from another planet, so I would stared at them, and of course wishing to speak to them, but I didn't know their languages and I dare not speak to stangers, so all I can do to drive away my curiousty was to keep my eyes on it, trying to figure out the answer.  But now, I won't do like that any longer. Maybe the guys you met just had the same feeling as I had before.

And when you said hello to them, maybe they were not ready to say hello back to you, for they didn't think you would do like that, maybe they felt a little surprise. Or they also wanted to show kindness to you, but had no idea how to.

Anyway, leave it alone, it did you no harm...And since they cannot change themselves in a short time, you may try to be accustomed to it,ha!
Reply sunnyv 2010-5-27 14:59
Very good explanation and justification. It is easier to accept it when I understand it.  It is also quite often people greet me with a nice smile or nod before I do. I will still say hi to people who have attention on me because often they seem happy to see that, even though they do not know how to react. Added up together it is a nice feeling. Another person told me that some of them are workers from rural area and they did not have the chance to see much foreigners so I should be symphathetic to them. Curiosity is natural.
Reply Joycec 2010-5-28 08:30
sunnyv: Very good explanation and justification. It is easier to accept it when I understand it.  It is also quite often people greet me with a nice smile or
I think you already know how to do.I hope at next time you will feel natural.Haha~

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