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( 10284 ) Visits

  • Points: 199
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  • Threads: 5
  • Blogs: 1
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  • Happy new year. Wish you enjoy everything in the horse-year. Reply
  • If I get half the scholarship,will I purchase it ? Reply
  • End of our sollege life and continue to purchase next step-master degree.To find my potential Reply
  • Maybe it's a pity for me to lose,wish you have a good future for both of us.Work hard for our bright future. Reply
  • This week I'll been interviewed for my further studies and wish for myself. Reply
  • Real Nameleonard
  • GenderMale
  • Birthday1988 - 12 - 12
  • HoroscopeSagittarius
  • Zodiacdragon
  • Birthplace山东 济宁
  • Residence北京市 海淀区 上地街道
  • Blood TypeA
  • QQQQ

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  • liuzd published a new blog 9-5 09:08
    These days, I feld very puzzled and confused about my life, my future and myself. So, today I write this blog to illustrate my passed days. I' ...
Introspection 2013-09-05
These days,  I feld very puzzled and confused about my life, my future and myself. So, today I write this blog to illustrate my passed days. ...
(835) Views|(6) Replies
A visit to a primary school 2011-03-11
Yesterday,two of my friends and I came to visit a primary school which was in a very rural aera in beijing.As it the first time taking part in such a ...
(1075) Views|(4) Replies
I miss you, my dear friends 2011-02-24
Since I became part of dienglish ,I determined to surf the web and got stories of all of you.Commucinating with my friends and share life experience ...
(1074) Views|(7) Replies
WANTed 2010-11-26
I'd like to invite all of the people who dream of studing or woking abroad ,especially those who have or going to learn IELTS.we just want to exchang ...
(858) Views|(0) Replies
Why can't men take an umbrella in such hot days? 2010-07-08
The weather in beijing these day is very hot.Two days ago it has come to 40 degree.But when you go outside,you can see a very common phenomennon that ...
(1135) Views|(12) Replies

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zhengjian 2011-3-9 13:42
liuzd: Hello,friend.Very lucky see you here
hi,nice to meet you and to be your pen pals.welcome to jinan
Jessfon 2011-2-24 20:15
Nikaer 2010-11-28 22:52
liuzd: Nice to be your friend
So am I. Nice to meet you .
JessicaMing 2010-10-22 17:03
liuzd: Oh,it's so great .I have a friend whom I can inprove my English level
Let's help each other!
JessicaMing 2010-10-21 17:58
liuzd: what's your major?
English Literature...
JessicaMing 2010-10-20 17:27
nice to see you!
O'Bright 2010-10-20 12:45
Hi, nice to see you!
kinzhang 2010-10-5 10:51
liuzd: Hello,guy.Nice to meet you.
HI!Warmly welcome to your visit!!!!!!!
sedgehead 2010-9-10 04:58
liuzd: Hello,did you see my QQ invition?I want to be your friends
I have not seen it yet, and I don't see you listed in my friends list.  Please try again.  My QQ number is 1139510842.
chykra 2010-7-8 18:50
liuzd: Happy birthday to you !
me?birthday?oh, my god,who can tell me what happend?Mars hit the  earth?traditional Chinese calendar--7-11,so,it just a mistake!by the way, thanks
huckabee 2010-7-1 14:13
liuzd: Hello,my townsman.Nice to meet you !
Yeah. We are from the same province. Welcome you here.
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