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New to here, heart with you

509 views. 2010-5-14 18:16

Wait for the blog for a very long time .
I love English very much ,so I want to join your group and make friends with everyone of you .Firstly ,I want to introuce myself to you. I'm a stedent in BeiJing Sports University.I love playing badmination very much ,so if you want to refresh you ,I'm very glad to do something with you .I major in sports science.Before my university life ,I had little knowledege of the subject.But now ,I saw the importance of my major. As we all know ,health is the theme in our daily life.Howeve you are busy ,taking excrise routinely is essencial for our health.Today we work too hard ,and as a result ,some people  has met the problem .For examble ,many people sit in front of the computer for too long time ,their neck will be sick .The n ,at this time ,you neeed to relax . Also , do some movement will reduce your sick .So if you have such problem .I want to share with you .
As I'm newer here., I wish to make you happy .
Friends forever!

Post comment Comment (4 replies)

Reply chykra 2010-5-14 18:20
Welcome to dioenglish.Enjoy yourself here.
Reply rainecho415 2010-5-15 08:26
Welcome, friend!
Reply liuzd 2010-5-15 22:25
chykra: Welcome to dioenglish.Enjoy yourself here.
Thank you !
Reply liuzd 2010-5-15 22:25
rainecho415: Welcome, friend!
Thank you !

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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