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Avoid Bad Habits

517 views. 2010-5-25 18:57 |

    There's  nobody who are perfect completely.In our daily ,maybe we have developed many bad habits.And it surrounds in our heart,many times we want to avoid it ,but we can't .These bad habits has gone with us for many years.It affects our common life,especially some may do harm to our health.So we'll be very upset.Are you ?
   Nowadays ,unfortunately I get one.It seems  a devil to me.Actually ,I know it is not good to do so, but I can't control my mind .After the behavior ,I'll  depressed and make up my mind that I shouldn't do it again .I hope the dream will come to an end soon .And I hope all of us will strengthen ourselves to fire against it.I believe the day will come soon ,I should be optimistic!

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Reply xiaoyi556655 2010-5-25 19:23
Noboday is perfect. we all have some bad habits. If it does harm to your health, then you'd better  get rid of it as soon as possible. I know it will be difficult. Hope you can make it.
Reply sunnyv 2010-5-25 20:02
Some people don't care about their bad habits or anti social behaviour, but you do care. Make an effort and you will jump out of that bad habit. Be careful, I am watching you from now on, haha.
Reply Tange 2010-5-25 21:04
what bad habit trouble you so ?
Reply liuzd 2010-5-26 22:33
sunnyv: Some people don't care about their bad habits or anti social behaviour, but you do care. Make an effort and you will jump out of that bad habit. Be ca
Thank you and I believe nothing can inturrupt me .wait for my great news!
Reply liuzd 2010-5-26 22:34
xiaoyi556655: Noboday is perfect. we all have some bad habits. If it does harm to your health, then you'd better  get rid of it as soon as possible. I know it will
Yes I think I can do it !Thank you
Reply liuzd 2010-5-26 22:34
Tange: what bad habit trouble you so ?
something everyone can meet !

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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