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( 12814 ) Visits

  • My Skype:phoebegong227 Reply
  • Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well Reply
  • Sucess belongs to the persevering! Reply
  • Why I can't insist on learning English and loseing weight??? Reply
  • The 13th Day Reply
  • Real NamePhoebe
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday1988 - 4 - 13
  • Residence广东 中山
  • Blood TypeA
  • QQQQ

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Is Failure a Bad thing? 2012-05-17
Failure is a common thing in our life. I think all of the people can’t avoid failure. But how to face defeat,then different people have differen ...
(910) Views|(6) Replies
Long time ~ 2012-01-05
Finally finished all things. December 2011 was very busy .  I haven't time write a blog here. I finished my examination . Also finished t ...
(966) Views|(2) Replies
My 2011 2011-12-15
Time files! One year has passed and the New Year is coming. Looking back to the past, I don't even know what have I done in this year, what have I h ...
(1188) Views|(4) Replies
A letter for someone 2011-12-14
Dear someone, I don't know when we will meet in the future. But I want to talk with you about life or something. I want you to know ab ...
(1211) Views|(0) Replies
Do you believe in perpetual love in this secular world? 2011-12-12
Do you believe in perpetual love in this secular world? I would like to believe even I didn't find it. I think love is a beatiful and romant ...
(1358) Views|(7) Replies

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bigcat 2011-12-12 10:16
nice to meet you
cheng.qian 2011-9-16 15:49
it seems that you are very beautiful.
Linda1017424004 2011-9-14 16:20
Do you have a QQ number?add me as a friend.My QQ number is 1017424004
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