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The most important things to do during an interview

926 views. 2011-6-24 20:25 |

From a book named "50 topics of spoken english for interview"
1. Make a good first impression
  -- look professional, credible and courteos.
2. Show you've done research on the company
  -- find out as much as you can about the company information
3. Sell yourself to the company
 -- try to control the interview to your advantage, accentuating the benefits you have to offer
4. Avoid sounding self-congratulatory
 -- always seek  to praise others more than yourself
5. Show loyalty to previous employer or teachers and professors
 -- you need to highlight your previous boss
6. Talk about your strengths
 -- you need to make certain you know your strengths so that you can explain their relevance to the position you are      seeking.
7. Talk about your weakness
-- what is a weakness in one position may be a strength in anthor
8. Talk about your career history
-- you need to have some ides of where your careers will eventually take you.
9. Dress to impress
-- the aim here is not to be  too formal or too informal or even eccentric.
10. Project the right image
-- you more concerned about what you can do for the company than that what the company can do for you.

Post comment Comment (7 replies)

Reply 怡兰 2011-6-24 23:17
Good points! However, I believe that getting a job is much more a question of luck than of anything else... that's how it has worked for me for all my life! connections and luck!
Reply JMZ 2011-6-25 10:15
Reply scale 2011-6-25 17:48
怡兰: Good points! However, I believe that getting a job is much more a question of luck than of anything else... that's how it has worked for me for all my
Yeah, getting a job depend on your luck sometime, but perparing for your interview is the most important factor to get a job.
Reply scale 2011-6-25 17:54
JMZ: helpful~~
If you put your heart to do this things, you will find a job soon.
Reply JMZ 2011-6-25 22:50
scale: If you put your heart to do this things, you will find a job soon.
Reply ChrisDanni 2011-7-9 16:46
practical advice~~. thank you for sharing.
Reply scale 2011-7-22 22:22
ChrisDanni: practical advice~~. thank you for sharing.
you are welcome.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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