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823 views. 2010-9-23 21:47 |

recently ,I found my heart is empty.just add something in it.I didn't know why .but that feeling make me I was choose some sad movies to watch.What 's happen?and why?How should I do?Please please tell me.

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Reply Justina8023 2010-9-24 13:00
Take it easy. We have emotion, unlike other animals. So it's regular that negative feelings occur to us from time to time. You should do something to enlighten yourself.
Reply Daisy123 2010-9-24 15:45
I think u did the wrong thing.If u feel sad,I should watch some comdedies to relax.
Reply flowering07 2010-9-24 20:20
Sometimes ,I have the same situation as you. If I feel sad and I don't know the reason, I will relax for a few days. Because I think time can smooth everything.
Reply kiosk 2010-9-25 17:06
Maybe everyone will have the same situation as you ,I think we should take it easy ! Everything comes in its reason,we can solve it correctly.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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