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( 44285 ) Visits

  •     hi,Guys! I'm back.Nearly forget everything about my Zone. Reply
  •     hi,Guys! I'm back.Nearly forget everything about my Zone. Reply
  • I’m are you?my friends. Reply
  • have been absent for quite a long long period, happy mid-autumn festival! Reply
  • A new day, nice day ! Reply
  • Real Nameapple
  • GenderMale
  • Birthday
  • Birthplace四川 南充
  • Blood TypeA

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  • kinzhang published a new blog 2-8 17:06
    Correction 7
    fairness n. 公平;美好;金发 fairness fairness candidate candidate candidate welfare welfare welfare strategist strategist n.战略家 ter ...
  • kinzhang published a new blog 1-19 23:07
    Correction 3
    antibacterial antiacterial antibacterial 抗菌的 resistant resistant resistant adj. 有抵抗力的,抵抗的 germ germ germ 细菌 manufacture manufac ...
  • kinzhang published a new blog 1-16 07:35
    Correction 2
    flu flu flu livestock livestock livestock 家畜,牲畜 viruses viruses viruses bats bats bats discoveries discoveries discoveies infect infect infec ...
  • kinzhang published a new blog 8-22 17:49
    No Title
    Sincemy nice friends started to work for someone else,they had no time back here , much less writing something~~~ For me, ayoung adultwho is bet ...
Correction 13 2014-04-07
. aviation n. 航空 perplexing adj. 复杂的,令人困惑的 disclose v. 表明;揭露  cockpit n. (飞机,小船或赛艇的)驾驶室 mish ...
(3057) Views|(1) Replies
Correction 12 2014-04-07
wreckage n. 残骸 Malaysian campaign n. 活动 shake--shook dye n. 染料 undependable  adj. 靠不住的,不可靠的;不可信赖 ...
(2718) Views|(1) Replies
Correction 11 2014-03-19
cuisine   n. 菜肴;烹饪 cusine cusine cusine  catering n. 给养;承办酒席 culinary   adj. 厨房的;烹 ...
(1336) Views|(0) Replies
Correction 10 2014-03-11
geophysical a. 地球物理学的 diamond diligence clamp down 取缔,强行压制,严办 clamp down 取缔,强行压制,严办 lo ...
(1311) Views|(0) Replies
Correction 9 2014-02-26
measly   1. 患麻疹的  2. 极少的 interior delay delay  bilingual  bilingual  adj. 双语的,能说两种语 ...
(1491) Views|(0) Replies

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leexiu2006 2013-8-31 11:17
Will you please tell me how i can contact that American-Ghanian student you mentioned in your minor blog? Thanks!
qin5824 2012-12-29 16:12
are your winter vacation begin?
Horizon6 2012-10-21 12:34
kinzhang: Baby, i love you!I miss you a lot!
Horizon6 2012-10-20 16:19
Horizon6 2012-10-17 11:46
Horizon6 2012-10-12 20:19
Horizon6 2012-10-9 21:05
Horizon6 2012-10-5 15:35
kinzhang: I am going to borrow a book from library which is about to open this morning. Of course , i have to eat something for breakfast, in addition i should
You are a bad boy
Horizon6 2012-10-4 17:10
Horizon6 2012-10-1 10:27
kinzhang: Happy Mid-autumn festival!!! Sweet, i love you!
Nop,you r a early warm
Horizon6 2012-9-28 10:23
kinzhang: Baby. good afternoon ! Time is flying , afternoon again.
I love you
snowflying 2012-4-21 20:42
kinzhang: Hey, Cup!long time no see !!!haha!How are u doing !U r really active !
aaa??? cup?? oh, right too, because my avatar is a cup indeed. i'm fine, thanks more for your greeting, wish all of yours goes well,my friend.
possible 2011-12-30 15:28
hi. happy new year
liudan89 2011-12-24 14:44
O'Bright 2011-6-11 12:02
kinzhang:it will be my pleasure if you are convenient to do it for me.
Not at all, I will do, just give me more time would be ok. I am quite busy recently.
O'Bright 2011-6-11 01:12
I promised you I will make a portrait of you, I will do it. just need more time, please be patient. I don't want to let you think of me is a sort of liar. good night, my friend.
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