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one the way

1180 views. 2011-8-7 10:19

if the clock sotp
but time will pass in his way
if i turn out
but the fire is burning night and day
if the gud tell me you dispare in the world
how can i do and how can i say
everyting is be ok?
i serch for i looking for
form here form there
what's the meaning of life?
somebady say sombady complain
however nobady can dispaly
well,maybe the smileing in deepest sleep
will write its name
you konw
someone is right here waiting for you
someone is search form moutain to sea
even they missing
but not miss the meaning
i will take it as desire,as fire
go through the darkness
you with me on the way

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Post comment Comment (8 replies)

Reply snowflying 2011-9-18 20:48
yourself's writing? if yes,you are really good at in poem field. if translate, wonderful too, because i always don't know how to make the english sentence have its rhyme, while my chinese is good ,but when translate into enhlish ,all of the beauty have gone.seems you done it well.
Reply MRyang 2011-9-19 16:52
snowflying: yourself's writing? if yes,you are really good at in poem field. if translate, wonderful too, because i always don't know how to make the english sent
yes,by myself.thank you,you like it.
Reply snowflying 2011-9-20 07:27
MRyang: yes,by myself.thank you,you like it.
wow, your are really so great! i always think girls good at in this poem field, usually girls more emotional than guys. seems to our life's beauty, you have a pair of enjoying eyes to seek its beauty. rare in such a restless campus life. cheer for you.
Reply MRyang 2011-9-20 09:00
snowflying: wow, your are really so great! i always think girls good at in this poem field, usually girls more emotional than guys. seems to our life's beauty, yo
like the word"rare",there will be thousands of humen in the word,while,special will make sence..
Reply snowflying 2011-9-20 19:42
MRyang: like the word"rare",there will be thousands of humen in the word,while,special will make sence..
great  thought!
Reply MRyang 2011-9-22 20:41
snowflying: great  thought!
thank you~
Reply snowflying 2011-9-22 20:43
MRyang: thank you~
wish your more wonderful "special" showing up here,my friend.
Reply MRyang 2011-9-22 20:45
snowflying: wish your more wonderful "special" showing up here,my friend.
oh~i will try my best~~thank you~

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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