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Keep Alive, Keep Passion

Hot 1360 views. 2023-8-22 20:01

passion is the most important thing in one's life. And to be keep in passion the most important thing for one to do is to be kind to others. A kind heart is an open heart and an open heart would accept any things that happen in his or her life or any other's life. Imagine that if you can accept all the things that happen in your life then how many worries you would put down which torment you in ever or in next life. And once you can put down all the worries you would find that there is not any thing can torment you. Life is like a journey that full of uncertainty and is also like a sail which all depond on yourself to adjust the direction.
 So keep kind keep passion and keep alive and maintain awareness. Good luck to you all my friends in Dio English.

Post comment Comment (2 replies)

Reply davidjuyong 2023-8-24 15:28
Hello ! How do you do?
Reply 2amlittle 2023-8-27 18:33
davidjuyong: Hello ! How do you do?
hello, I am fine

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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