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( 8529 ) Visits

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  • When I was listening to ADELE's SOMEONE LIKE YOU, my son said:I hate this song, this woman seems crazy when she is singing. Reply
  • My son asked:when people fart, why can't they be pushed forward? Oh, boy! Do you think people's stomach is a nuclear reactor? Reply
  • The paid loading Supervision is to be cancelled to cut cost. It used to be regarded the most effictive way to guarantee quality shipments.Cost or quality?It depends on which is more important. Reply
  • Enjoy your Hallowmas Holiday, my oversea colleagues! I also enjoy a working day without a single email from you. Reply
  • got up at 5:30, little reading, but still a good beginning Reply
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  • GenderFemale
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  • Birthplace辽宁 大连
  • Residence辽宁 大连
  • Blood TypeA

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  • ringcao published a new blog 5-1 22:33
    Can you hear me,Dad?
    Dad, it does not mean I am not missing you although I seldom mention you. It either does not mean I am not sorrow althrough I seldom cry. I dare not ...
Can you hear me,Dad? 2013-05-01
Dad, it does not mean I am not missing you although I seldom mention you. It either does not mean I am not sorrow althrough I seldom cry. I dare not ...
(916) Views|(1) Replies
gaining everyday 2012-12-25
Baby, your bottom middle tooth became loose, you are worried about it. Baby , you should be happy ,because your primary tee ...
(1067) Views|(8) Replies
Go easy 2012-12-19
She is easy to get along with, but she seems not easy with herself.   I am usded to her complains about the difficulties in work a ...
(1073) Views|(1) Replies
Mother and daughter in law 2012-12-12
They are not bad persons, they are good mother or daughter  alone, but when they two became mother and daughter in law, the ...
(4732) Views|(1) Replies
such a woman 2012-12-05
Is it the fact that women play less impotant role in this society? Is it true that women bear more than men to be successful? Why we&nb ...
(1020) Views|(8) Replies

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snowflying 2011-12-24 21:54
Merry xmas, send a big red apple to your lovely son,ring.
love_is_circle 2011-11-10 13:31
Hello。Nice to meet you.
O'Bright 2011-10-17 08:17
yaping 2011-9-6 14:38
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