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Back from the Lost Paradise

1446 views. 2011-7-13 22:15

I finally came back from that lost paradise for me!
It was really where the bitter-sweet life was brought forth!
For one thing, the idling time  really made one relaxed.
For another, a life like that really could suffocate one. I mean, it made one languid, depraved...That's bitter indeed, isn't it?
Anyway, whether guided by the beacon or the sudden realizaiton by myself, I go back to the right track and got ready to start the engine again!
So, welcome me back!!!

Post comment Comment (5 replies)

Reply starwang 2011-7-14 22:26
Welcome you back  welcome.....
Reply Teddy126 2011-7-15 20:56
Applause,four paws
Reply Evania 2011-7-15 21:16
starwang: Welcome you back  welcome.....
Reply Evania 2011-7-15 21:16
Teddy126: Applause,four paws
Seriously, U got four paws?
Reply steven.Zha 2011-8-8 23:08

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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