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Shares What is GRE?
lita126 2010-7-27 00:22
Sometimes I think you do not have to speak out everything which is coming to your brain, because you do your things in your own way, and you have you own theory. However, people feel more happier if they are understood, and I am the one one! Today I heard someone told me that GRE is t ...
Individual Classification: things that happen|476 views|1 replies
Shares a day go cycling
lita126 2009-8-24 21:13
Even thougt I bought my bicycle two years ago, I still can't cycling well. There is so called fears in my mind. It seems I don't know the rulesof traffic, and there are too manycrossroadsin thecity.Andmy boyfriend sometimes ride the bicycle and I just sit cozily ...
Individual Classification: things that happen|617 views|2 replies


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