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  • Points: 622
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  • Who would like to where I have been these days? Actually, I was in tour to 川西,more photos and the guide for tour please check my QQ zone: 932578931. Hope you enjoy~~  Reply
  • Recently, I am reading a book called A Global History, it tells us how the world change and more challenges are waiting for us... Reply
  • Beautiful lady deserve a different life...  Reply
  • These days, I try to persude myself to sit down and write something down about the travelling, Mid-Autumn Night, and having fun with my Nephew~~~But, dont know how, I just cannot~~ Reply
  • Having a dance rehearsal for Mid-autumn Festival, really tired~~  Reply
  • Real Nameindiangirl
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday1988 - 11 - 3
  • Zodiacdragon
  • Birthplace广东 广州
  • Residence广东 增城
  • Blood TypeO
  • QQQQ

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  • indiangirl published a new blog 1-1 23:16
    Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014
    This is the first day of 2014, there is nothing special as usual. 2013 was gone, and suddenly 2014 comes. A party to celebrate the New Year, to expres ...
  • indiangirl published a new blog 10-20 10:41
    If You Want To Run, Then Run Far...
    Iwashappenedtoreadanarticlethatwearenotyounganymore,ifyouwanttorun,pleaserunfarbeforeyoucould... Ifeltshockedforafewseconds,andthink,aftergrad ...
  • indiangirl published a new blog 10-20 09:27
    To be Different Me
    Wecannotliveinthepassbutsomethinggooddeservetokeepitforlong.Writingtheblogisagoodwaytoexpressthefeelingsthatwontnevergoneasthetime goesby.Sofar,Ist ...
  • indiangirl published a new blog 6-9 18:42
    Travel to Thailand-End of June
    Insideofmyheart,Ialwaysdreamoftravelingtosomewherewherefar,farawayfrommyhome,tochangeanewlifeand jobfortemporary, toexperiencesomethingn ...
  • indiangirl uploaded new images 5-13 20:15
Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014 2014-01-01
This is the first day of 2014, there is nothing special as usual. 2013 was gone, and suddenly 2014 comes. A party to celebrate the New Year, to expres ...
(1416) Views|(6) Replies
If You Want To Run, Then Run Far... 2013-10-20
I was happened to read an article that we are not young anymore, if you  ...
(1355) Views|(5) Replies
To be Different Me 2013-10-20
We cannot live in the pass but something good deserve to keep it for long.&nb ...
(1235) Views|(1) Replies
Travel to Thailand-End of June 2013-06-09
Inside of my heart, I always dream of traveling to somewhere where far, far ...
(1671) Views|(16) Replies
Work Hard For What? 2013-04-06
It has been a while keep working after the Spring Festival, God, my memory was still on my longest holiday. Anyway, I am kind of in a bad ...
(1334) Views|(4) Replies

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Tonytian 2013-9-25 11:40
are you in china now?  how do you like china ?
loly90 2013-6-17 12:38
indiangirl: Hi Loly, could you do me a favor and show me the step to have a nice space? I could not find it after updated...Happy Dragon Boat Fetival!
Dear, does it ok now? I went back home during Dragon boat festival. Your space is nice, same with me, green color is good, happy everyday!
JorainFrank 2013-5-28 11:57
chenze 2012-11-13 23:22
Today,I invite some friends go to the city lifestyle looking the film.the movie called name (Han zhan ),yet,it's benefit to us consider some thing.what we don't do and we do
逍遥飞吧 2012-5-20 08:00
l like your smile . girl !
kinzhang 2012-5-16 15:47
ah, a big smile in the first sight~~~I am impressed by that ....
lushanshan9010 2011-11-7 10:09
miss you , indian girl .
O'Bright 2011-4-27 15:40
How have you been, friend? good  afternoon.
Dannietle 2011-1-8 20:14
my teacher ever  said indiangirl is the beautiest girl !
O'Bright 2011-1-1 19:10
Happy New year !
reik 2010-9-4 14:44
no indiangirl, your skin is just black. but it's health
sayayang 2010-9-2 09:00
indiangirl: I am sorry to hear that! I believe you will find your Mr.right at next cross road! Don't give up !
the same to u
sayayang 2010-9-1 15:38
I am not smart as you think at all! because i ever like sb at the first sight but he won't know and won't care it about! for we are friends ...and i want to marry sb but finally he broke his promise of coming to see me jsut parted ....
sayayang 2010-9-1 15:36
indiangirl: You are so smart. I was fell in love with someone by QQ chatting. But the true thing is we are still good friends for the far distance we got.That was
YA, there are no distance problem existed in the world only if he is coming to see you at the fixed day so that at that time you can meet each other !Eventually the fact is that no one will strive for the first step so what result you can expect!
sayayang 2010-8-31 15:49
indiangirl: Then you are the master of your sensibility now! I don't have any idea!
i wonder why i have few friends ,true and sincere, do you think on line friends most of them are hypocritical in acts or words? soyou love sb on line before? do you mind asking u?
sayayang 2010-8-30 13:58
Not for love at the first sight,just because one friend of mind often talk honey words to me,which make me feel unbearable and then i replied him above words to him,just to see what he feels,but till today without any reply to me,that;s it.
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