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Work Hard For What?

Hot 11563 views. 2013-4-6 22:52 |Individual Classification:Small talk|

It has been a while keep working after the Spring Festival, God, my memory was still on my longest holiday. Anyway, I am kind of in a bad temper these days, things were out of my control and I have no where to complain.
When I am saying work hard, it does not mean you gain something as return in the mean time. On average, people work eight hours a day. It is hardly to keep good mood all the working day, but I have been trying to figure out one way to get out of the bad situation then keep a clear mind to move on. People could be selfish enough that not to care what you said, the most importantly is what results I could expected.
A day could be divided into two parts, in my eyes, in the early morning working, your mind is free and feel relax, this means high efficency working benefit from the clear minds. In the afternoon, you will get touch with different cases and people in different ways, which seem too changeable. However, I start to think how could I take it so serious, work is work, fun is fun.  For living, we consider work as an important part of our life. For findig out who am I,  we seach the information from Internet and millions of books. For taking a sense of resposibily, we choose to live for everything, except for yourself.
20's something like me is just like the time at 7:12am, we are still have time open and to fight for the life we are facing. This is to encourage myself, and live up to the destination in my heart...

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Reply MRyang 2013-4-6 23:03
yeah,the bad news is that holiday is over however we still want be end.
Reply loly90 2013-4-9 12:43
To our twenties! Don't worry, there is a long way for us to explore and develop and grow. No matter how the outside world changes, live a life you want and like. Come on!
Reply indiangirl 2013-4-21 19:42
loly90: To our twenties! Don't worry, there is a long way for us to explore and develop and grow. No matter how the outside world changes, live a life you wan ...
Hi Loly, it means so important to me with your encouragement, and I found I miss my home there so much...
Reply loly90 2013-4-26 13:25
indiangirl: Hi Loly, it means so important to me with your encouragement, and I found I miss my home there so much...
   Welcome back and welcome home!

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