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IT must be better to learn more.

715 views. 2010-8-29 14:33 |

   This is a free day, I have no work to do, I think it is time for me to have a good rest without any disturbance, when I was thinking how to plan my free day ,my small brother suddenly came to my room and shouted to me ,"I  want to study Korean'. I wondered  and asked him: why '?  he seems to be shy and told me that : I find the Korean girl are all so beautiful, I want to make friends with them" with a smile. what he said made me can not help to laugh too. how lovely a boy he is. at that moment ,I had known what to do this free day,I decided to take him to learn the Korean ,because I think that it is so valuable for a boy to learn a kind of language by his own decision.
    I decide to learn the Korean with him together ,not for making friends with the beautiful girl ,because in my opinion, It is must be better to learn more. how lovely a boy.

Post comment Comment (4 replies)

Reply Jamestan 2010-8-29 17:06
Not to advance is to go back.
Reply wangjide01 2010-8-29 21:40
That's a goog reason to learn sth.   I hope it can continue a long time
Reply Lifeidream 2010-8-29 23:14
HA!  he made me memory the days when I was a child .how so many interesting things make me sigh with emotion with time flying …
Reply Lifeidream 2010-8-29 23:20
oh .yes .so I can guess that you must be a person who keeps the desire to be better …

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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