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Raicy is here [Favorites] [Copy] [Shares] [RSS] May love and peace be with you.


( 20528 ) Visits

  • The autumn has come, but my hands are empty. Only I've got a contrite heart, quivering slightly at Your feet. Reply
  • These days I read some poems by the polish poet Symboska, who writes "I prefer the absurdity of writing poems to the absurdity of not writing poems." Reply
  • What a rainy month. So today's bright sunshine looks so precious and charming. Reply
  • Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.  --William Shakespeare Reply
  • Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate.  --William Shakespeare Reply
  • Real NameRaicy
  • GenderFemale
  • Residence福建 厦门
  • Blood TypeB

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Grandpa's Tears 2019-07-24
July 24th, 2019 Life is like a tide which rises and ebbs. In the past two years, my life had several episodes, leaving mixed feelings ...
(798) Views|(1) Replies
Move from XM to SH 2017-06-06
  Five months has flown away this year since I moved from a small coastal city in the southeast to another port city in the east of ...
(1031) Views|(1) Replies
A Green Hand's Notes of Green Finance 2017-03-31
Green Finance, which may sound new and strange to outsiders, was also completely out of my knowledge scope, especially for someone like me with ...
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If I Go to England (a poem) 2016-11-01
Well, difficulty can hardly be belittled in  poem translation, no matter from English to Chinese or from Chinese to English, for the two ...
(954) Views|(8) Replies
Our Distance 2016-08-11
Below was a little poem I wrote in the September of 2010 Our Distance Years ago we were far away Distance shortened on a sunny ...
(999) Views|(2) Replies

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kuin 2016-11-3 10:02
You knew sedgehead?He is a very kind-hearted and knowledgeable man,but this year I made no interaction with him.he seldom published something on this website.
sedgehead 2014-1-6 03:57
raicy: Happy New Year!   
Thanks!  新年快乐!
rich 2014-1-1 15:35
raicy:    Happy New Year!! Wish you all the best.
Thanks. And the same to you.
admin 2014-1-1 14:44
raicy: Hey, Happy New Year!!    Wish you a peaceful and prosperous 2014! And hope that this website will enjoy a more wonderful success.
Thank you, Raicy. Happy New Year!  I hope 2014 will be a wonderful year to you and your family.  
bigcat 2013-3-20 10:57
my dear friend,happy birthdayhope things go well with you,become more and more beautiful
Davidsun 2012-7-4 23:15
Your space is special and interesting as well...May God bless you!
rachelzhaorui 2012-2-25 17:06
raicy: OK. Wish you good luck~
Oh, thank you~~
rachelzhaorui 2012-2-15 15:48
raicy: I learnt that you sat for the postgraduate entrance exam. But you did not further the study in your uni.?
If I pass that exam, I'll go to another uni~~
rachelzhaorui 2012-2-11 22:00
raicy: Oh. I've been to your uni a few years ago. I know it is a nice school : ). BTW, the girls' apartment is nice.
Absolutely, a nice apartment~~ But I'll say goodbye to it soon~~
rachelzhaorui 2012-2-10 23:09
raicy: Hi. May I know your major?
Yes~ I major in English translation.
Night-Wolf 2012-2-3 20:30
raicy: You job seems interesting. Hehe~
It raises me up! Feeling like your song!
如主文 2012-1-31 17:08
raicy: Hi. May I know what your Chinese name means?Best new year wishes.
Happy new year. It means just like the main body of article. heh.
bigcat 2011-12-24 20:32
raicy: Hello. Are you free on Christmas Eve? I invite you to join our party at 6:30 on Dec. 24.  On the 5th floor in the Runjin Hotel inside my university, N
i am sorry
bigcat 2011-7-7 19:21
raicy: Having some lessons about Bible.
oh?sounds nice.
bigcat 2011-7-3 11:49
you should have a nice holiday recently,do you?
bigcat 2011-6-27 15:18
raicy: Hehe. You still in Nanking? Well, you can come at any time you like.
yes,i am always in nanjing.ok,if i have some time
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