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Maybe you shouldn't go away to college

2612 views. 2010-10-28 16:37 |Individual Classification:essay

        Going away for college is not for everyone. There surely are many good reasons why a student might choose to live at home and attend a local school. Money, finding stability while changes are occurring, and accepting responsibility are three to consider.
       The first aspect is money which is the most important. Nowadays, the tuition is so high that not every students can go to colleges as they wish. Some of the students have a heavy burden from their family. Maybe one of their family members is sick or having a depression in their work. They need money badly, and can not afford it even if the student take a part-time job. Despite of the tuition, there are variety of fees waiting for them to pay for, such as the money need for room and board. Whether room and board is a dorm or an apartment, the expense is great. Meals also cost a lot. The school restaurant is expensive for students who are unable to afford their tuition. 
          Most students never stop to consider that the money could be saved from room and board may be better spend in future years on graduate school,which is likely to be more important in their careers. What they ignore is that college is a place for people to form good habits, for life in college is totally different from what their life used to be.
 Going to school is a time of many changes, without adding the pressure of a new city or even a new state. Finding stability will also be hard enough, without going home to a dorm.When students step into the college, the situation is changed both on their living condition and their mental condition. They may find everything is hard to control. They should study by their own instead of relying on professors. When getting into trouble, they have to solve the problem themselves, for there are nobody they could ask help for. Starting college could be an emotional time for some, and the security of their home and family is whether or not they can accept the responsibility of a completely new way of life. Being far away from their parents and friends will cause anxiety, too. The eagerness to going back home make them feel that school is like a prison. How to adjust to the new lifestyle is really an important course in college.
      When students decided to go away to school, sometimes because their friends are going away, and they don't have friends to talk with if they stay at home. Or maybe because the school is their parents' alma master. They are doing what their parents hope them to do in the future. Their careers are arranged by their parents even if they don't want to be like that. Something that all need to decide is whether or not they can accept the responsibility of a completely new life. Things around are different from they used to see. Whether you can get rid of confusion in college can decide one's further study.
     Everyone feels as if they are ready for total independence when they decide to go away to college, but is breaking away when they are just beginning to set their futures a good idea? Absolutely not.
 Going away to school may be the right road for some, but those who feel that they are not ready may start looking for a future that is just around the corner. No matter which one you choose, a suitable choice can bring you a brilliant future.

Post comment Comment (4 replies)

Reply kucci 2010-10-30 08:18
This is the truth,but we can't change it,all we can do is to make ourselves better.Study hard in our school.
Reply Peaceful 2010-11-3 10:12
yes,a suitable choice can bring you a brilliant future.Therefore,Choice is very important,anyhow,There is the will,There is the way!
Reply JessicaMing 2010-11-3 16:15
Peaceful: yes,a suitable choice can bring you a brilliant future.Therefore,Choice is very important,anyhow,There is the will,There is the way!
Reply danyidian 2010-11-10 23:44
In fact, college is indeed a good place to educate people. We learn a lot in college vinvisibly.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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