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my this episode is highly sharing and joys makeing,my comrades on Dio 2011-11-18
I must admit I finally hit into this kinda part time teaching crab, am I being such a unpredictable guy??  coz in the back of the class there g ...
(855) Views|(1) Replies
it is a long dark road you are headed down. 2011-07-20
i was like:  thats not even his franchise, aite?    there he went: i rather back up my mind and wait for the dawn. I was pa ...
(677) Views|(3) Replies
nobody is nobody, salute!! 2011-05-24
T onite witnessed a another dude' leaving, I cant help floudin up to the crowd and give a nice wave for him though we barely have worlds but ...
(634) Views|(1) Replies
if u could'v told me the truth 2011-01-16
by the nite when u shocked me in the message, i already knew I should call off  this relationship, though I havent given any pledge to hed ...
(765) Views|(4) Replies
Letter to mama 2010-11-07
I tried this letter to my mama with the ultimate overwhelming respect from the bottom of my heart. I think the age when i pretty much fall in the ra ...
(765) Views|(7) Replies

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yaping 2011-6-14 09:25
xiaoquan 2011-6-14 08:05
yaping 2010-11-11 12:39
O'Bright 2010-11-6 13:33
JessicaMing 2010-11-2 15:02
nice to meet u
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