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Letter to mama

764 views. 2010-11-7 01:03 |

I tried this letter to my mama with the ultimate overwhelming respect from the bottom of my heart.
I think the age when i pretty much fall in the rap tune, one of the sound leap me to a phenomenal understanding of the G-funk , IS the "dear mama" of 2 -PAC, .
gangsta got heart, gangsta got love.
I mean the first time this song hit on me was jus had the superficial clearness of the lyrics, I tried the 2nd, 3rd, 4th time etc until the uncountable heart ripping I reached, I felt i could morph myself to the situation when I was banking off in the cali street with a bunch of dopes and gun deals stuff goin on with that I dont give a damn on my life, but I merely knew that I am the only 1 that my mama got love, and being so sentimental, how much bitterness she wasnt supposed to suffered but because to rise a kido, amd she's a drug pipe though,
I keep repeating the "put in jail" part the whole lots of time coz I  really dig in the way 2 PAC cry out 4 his beloved mama, even the white kids keep pickin on him.
..........track ended.
wo~~~I gotta go eye on sum TV.

thats sort of internally reflection I gained
moreover,,, I love u mama

Post comment Comment (7 replies)

Reply kucci 2010-11-7 08:00
come on!
Reply sunnyv 2010-11-7 09:45
A bit hard for me to fully understand your expressions but I do understand that you are praising your mom and love for your mom. Mom's care is always unconditional and selfless. You seem to be a nice guy. Best of everything to you buddy.
Reply fundamental 2010-11-7 13:59
Reply fundamental 2010-11-10 20:36
kucci: come on!
what do u mean by come on, man?
Reply kucci 2010-11-11 08:14
come on means jiayou.
Reply yaping 2010-11-11 12:38
Yeah, I am agree with sunnyv! I really cann't understand ur words, but I know that u want to express ur love to ur mom!
Reply fundamental 2010-11-11 16:26
I think coz sum of da slangs cant get on dictionary,,

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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